Getting started?

Getting started?

I had the pleasure of attending the free introductory seminar in Calgary on May 10. Due to my work schedule, by the time I made it to the event I had been awake for 24+ hours. Needless to say I couldn't make it to the end. I'm wondering how I can take advantage of this opportunity and get started, I am anxious! The biggest problem is that I just had to file a consumer proposal due to a bad real estate deal. I haven't even made my first payment on that yet (very soon though). I know that someone had filed bankruptcy and was still able to take advantage of this opportunity, and succeed! What are my options for getting started?

I appreciate any help anyone can provide.



Home Study The Edge 2013

Hi everyone. I didn't go to the event, but I did get the 30 day trail for Edge 2013. And my husband and I are real excited about getting started now. My hubby has been watching everyday this week. He is all geard up and ready to work. We've only had this for 2 weeks now. Does this mean we are members of the elite. I don't know where to go to get a coach for some guidance.



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