Wasting Your Agents Time

Wasting Your Agents Time

Do you ever feel as if youre wasting your agents time by not making any deals? Whether you're new, or in a dry spell....do you feel bad, as if you're wasting his/her time? A newbie can go years without their first deal, and vets and go years in-between deals. How do you compensate for that? Do you throw your REA some money from your own pocket for doing their part?

Also, you personally, how do you pay your agent? Flat fees, percentages, bonuses, etc?


whattt ???

Oh no !!...
better not be that long between deals...
If it is, then something must be wrong.
And your realtor probably "will" get tired of this.
Realtors generally get 6% of sales price for their commission. $$ So @ closing they will get paid.
3% for listing agent and 3% for selling agent.
Good Day Smiling


Peace,Love and $$$
Angie Smiling


Alot of times I get Retail buyers contact me, or go to my squeeze pages and if I cant do anything with them, I call my realtor and hook them up. So that helps.

Curtis Fillers


If a newbie goes years without deals tehn they aren't trying or arent' educated enough to know how to do things. If a veteran goes that long then I wouldn't consider them a veteran or they just don't care.

If you are working with an agent that specializes in investing they should know how to help you get a deal done and make use of their time.


Don't scare us like that!


"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'"

Think, say and do what is right; refuse to think, say or do what is wrong.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Just simply ask your agent. You obviously don't want to btrak protocal/law. Try bartering for some services. Perhaps inclusion on your website. They get exposure and you get comps (or somethng). Be creative.

Maybe this helps.


"Winners never quit and quitters never win."-Vince Lombardi

Rick Cooper Investments

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/98042/...
My website: http://rickcooperinvestments.usapropertywholesale.com/
Linkedin profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rick-cooper/50/538/a7a

do this

make a list of all the people on your power team...and you should have more than one person for each by the way. then make a call to each one and ask them if they know anyone that is a hard or private money lender. If you have the right people on your team I can almost guarantee they'll give you a name. If they don't call all of your real estate attorneys and title companies until you find one that knows a hard money lender. Finally go talk to the lender and find out what kind of properties they like to loan on and how much. Now you have CASH and you are no longer wasting your agents time. This business starting off is all about educating yourself and being persistent.

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