I'm getting there!!!

I'm getting there!!!

I want to thank all of those who helped by giving me a nudge in the right direction. I'm really starting to get into this!! I'm halfway through "Profit From Real Estate Right Now!" and WOW am I excited!!
I've applied for my LLC through LegalZoom and I already set up my website. Anyone who wishes to view it and give me criticism on it is welcome to do so.



Good work!

I bought Profit from Real Estate Right Now last Saturday and finished reading it yesterday. I have literally been staying awake until 12 midnight since the information is so great and the way Dean writes his material cant help but motivate you. Checked out your website and it looks great. That is my next step by today and also start building a list of buyers. I am still trying to get familiar with the forms I will be needing to do my assignments but Ill get that straightened out. Good luck in your Real Estate career.


This is my incentive for potential buyers and sellers!


Great Job!

It looks like you are heading in the right direction. Keep going. I live in Southern California and have just begun REI myself. I have read all Dean's books and am in the process of building my buyer's list. Have set almost everything in place except for my website which I am starting to work on now. Have been at it for about two weeks and have received several calls from investors who I have now added to my list. In my area there are plenty of properties that are REO's and pre-foreclosures. Will be starting by doing assigments then once I have built up my cash I will purchase investment property for myself for positive cash flow. Good luck to you and your future success. With Dean's program we can't fail.


Great Website ! WOW ! I'm impressed and more motivated than ever ! Thanks for inspiring me to keep one foot in front of the other and to stay on the path of success ! Congratulations to you ! I'm looking forward to hearing more of your success stories ! GOD BLESS...................Carrie

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