Discouraged, Frustrated, Depressed and Really Confused

Discouraged, Frustrated, Depressed and Really Confused

Hi all -

We've been on a long hiatus since giving this a shot last year. Nothing worked. I read the Profit For Real Estate book back to front; my husband did the same. But with utilities and stuff getting ready to get shut off, RE had to go to the back burner while I got back into my transcription and my husband started taking things to auctions, selling scrap metal and stuff for cash.

In the meantime, the scrap business has kind of dried up around here and my wrists, hands and shoulders are giving me a lot of problems so I've had to cut back on my transcription.

I've been trying to market our other businesses and that's not been going very well. I don't think we're trying to sell the right things or something.

So I'm back here again. We still have our property finders website but I haven't done much marketing on that yet until I know what the heck I'm doing. :-/

Okay, so here's our situation - We have literally $4 on hand and $28 will clear into my PayPal account as soon as one of my clients pays his invoice. And that's it for another two weeks when my husband's social security check comes in - which will ALL go to the mortgage.

I'm stressed, which exacerbates my medical conditions (my doc told me - No Stress). Right - in our financial situation, stress is one thing that's virtually unavoidable.

So last year we tried the realtor way and that didn't float. We tried to get buyers lined up by doing some direct mail marketing, that didn't work. It almost seems like our particular area is saturated with the "We Buy Houses" signs. I'm serious - they're everywhere! They're on telephone poles, sides of barns, billboards, lawn signs. Every shape and size signs. So we've got some excruciating competition here with trying to put signs up.

We tried doing some bird-dogging and that didn't work either. And now we really don’t even have the money to keep gassing up the car to drive around and look for houses, which we did for hours and days on end last year.

And we literally have not one red cent to invest on anything. I'm to the point now where I've even suggested that we sell our own house and find something cheaper. But even thinking about that brings me to tears - and just adds more stress to this already stressful situation.

But something has to give. And we just don’t seem to be able to catch any breaks or even create any for that matter.

On top of everything else, our mortgage company has us by the neck and played every game they could to their advantage to keep us from getting a loan mod. We've been dealing with them for almost two years now, including getting our congressman involved, and have gotten absolutely nowhere with that.

Okay, so enough of the "sob" story here. What we really need is someone to guide us in the right direction - do a little "hand-holding" until we can get a handle on what to do, how to do it, and find something that's going to WORK for once.

It just seems like things keep changing all the time in this market and I can't keep up with it! Everything we tried to do last year always ended up that WE needed money or credit, and being on Social Security disability (both of us!) with a mortgage company that proceeded to get our credit TRASHED, we're in a really bad situation here.

So feel free to private message me with some idea of what to do or where to go next because I would love to be able to post that we made some kind of a deal somewhere that's going to help springboard us OUT of this current situation.

Thanks for listening. 

As an aside: I just printed out our free tickets to the upcoming "Insider's Financial" seminar in Harrisburg so I'm looking forward to that!!!


Berks County, PA Property Finders-RE Property Locators for Cash Investors: http://berkspropertyfinders.com/
Berks, Schuylkill, Lehigh and Immediately Surrounding Areas


i know it can be frustrating sometimes, but i have a saying that i use on myself in times like these.(decisions are easier to make when you have no choice). you're in a real financial bind, but some things i read stand out.
1: you started and stopped. believe me i've done what you've done so i'm not trying to bring you down and i've had the power turned off. it's not fun, but why did you try to do re investing in the first place? remember your "why". if you have no money but you have time spend it on the computer. call every we buy houses sign you come accross (that goes for the online ads too). look up jeff jenson. he has a thread 80 ways to find buyers. find it and use every one of them that doesn't cost money.
we all need buyers more than we need houses. "you can do this",if you give up again where do you think you'll be in six months. i feel for you and i don't want to think about how bad it'll be. you're able. just keep telling yourself your able. we're pulling for you,but noone can change your life but you.
so take action and keep us up to date with your progress.
keep moving forward, rob


whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob

Thanks Rob!!

I'm going to look up Jeff Jenson so thanks for that tip. Smiling

Unfortunately, we had to get some money in FAST, like within hours, to keep the electric from getting turned off. I have severe sleep apnea and absolutely must use a breathing machine at night or seriously risk not waking up the next morning, so keeping the electric turned on takes precedence even over paying the mortgage. :-/

But sometimes though I feel like that kid in the Labyrinth - all roads lead to a wall and I'm looking for my little 'troll' to help me out of it. :-/

But anyway, yes, I'll check out Jeff Jenson's threads too. Thank you!


Berks County, PA Property Finders-RE Property Locators for Cash Investors: http://berkspropertyfinders.com/
Berks, Schuylkill, Lehigh and Immediately Surrounding Areas





Harvey Sanford

I agree with rob

I can totally understand where you'te coming from. It isn't fun being in a situation as such however, you must not give up. The situations you're going through is only temporary defeat. You have have to keep going until things start to look up, keep revising your plan if it doesn't work the first, second or third time around until something works. Just like Rob said, call every ” We buy houses” sign you see and retrieve some info. You don't want to look back months or even years from now and be in the same place you were before. Situations like this in my opinion builds character, think positive and remain strong minded. This does not have to remain reality unless you accept it to be. Buy asking for help on DG.com you have confirmed that you do not accept this to be a reality. You will be just fine just take it one step at a time. In the end you will be very happy you never stopped pursuing your dreams.