Any Advice would be Appreciated

Any Advice would be Appreciated

Hi Everyone,

I don't like to write a message like this since I am a proud person, but, in the last month our business that we have run for the past five years has gone under due to a take over by a national company.

It has left us with about $5,000 in the bank and rent on our house, office, employee wages to pay, let alone live. We are in a mess. By the way we live in Australia.

My wife and I have bought over the last 12 months 6 properties in Cleveland, Ohio that we would really like to keep if we can find a way to keep through our current problems.

I was hoping that someone in the forum might have a suggestion as to how we could get ourselves out of a hole quickly.

Many Thanks,




I'm no expert by no means, but u have to stay positive. Being proud is great...keep that. Economy is hurting, check out DEAN'S BOOK ---"30 DAYS TO REAL ESTATE CASH"----

I've been kinda out of it (been sick) I'm not at where I should be in my real estate career.....but I WILL BE. I'm sorry, I can only offer moral support.....but I wish u the best.


Sell your houses

I would think there are no quick fixes, so the best most logical thing to do is to sell what you have, get right, and then start over.

John, you can only go UP from here!

Hi John,

I'm in Las Vegas, but I have been doing business with a few Aussie investors, I am happy to "meet" you.

Your situation is like many of us, my thoughts are with you. Do your best to stay positive; all we can do is go up from here!

I have sent your post to another DG-er who is active in the Ohip market and very very good at creative deals. he should be getting in touch with you.

Best wishes for answers--


Never, Never, Never Quit, N3Q
"Nothing happens until you place an offer."
"Skip Deal #1, go straight to Deal #2; it's so much easier."

"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." — Peter F. Drucker... so, "Don't sweat the small stuff." -R.Carlson. "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."~E.Hubbard, The Note Book,, Do it for the right reason and "Do it with a headache!" - Dean Graziosi, Weekly Wisdom #176

Hi John

Welcome to the DG family! Many of us are experiencing similar situations. I need to know a little bit more about your homes to see what options you have. If you have any mortgages, their cashflow, and what other factors are involved to help you out. My business was running in the red for many years and I have finally managed to turn it positive with a lot of hard work and creative strategies. Please send me a message. Also, if you don't have mortgages on your homes, I have a link in my email below where you may be able to get some financing on them. But, since I don't know your situation, I'm not sure if that would be of any help to you.

Also, there is always room to make some extra money in real estate; don't forget about the basics. I made some extra money last year just simply putting a buyer and seller together, so it doesn't have to be complicated to start bringing in some extra money.

Welcome to the DG family!

Welcome John

Guess you have some expert advice, so I can't really add anything more. I agree with Tammy, that you can just bring in some extra cash, but also with Elix that maybe you should just sell a house or two and get right, and start over. Sounds like you could also learn some of the creative strategies as well. You have many options and could combine them as well, and jump out of the problem quicker. Best wishes!!

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