Just wanted to make a quick clarification. That there IS a difference in hoping/wishing from belief/faith. Took me a while to learn the distinction myself. I would say that I have always been a big dreamer. I would go through magazines and cut out pictures to put on my 'dream wall' of things I hope to have one day. Things that were not my why but would fire me up! I do encourage you to do this. You have to keep your dream alive. It's not the reason you do this but a reward, a byproduct. Your motivator has to be so real you can literally smell the leather in that new car. Feel the breeze off the ocean. Could actually see what color the walls were painted in your new home. Exactly the peace that floods over you when you lay down at night in your cozy bed, snug as a bug in a rug in the house you dream about, beside the one you simply put could never imagine life without and thanking the Lord for blessing you with that person. Having plenty of money and plenty of time. When you wake up in the morning to children laughing and giggling sneaking into your bedroom to 'surprise' you. Choosing exactly what you were going to do that day strictly based on whatever you were in the mood to do. Not based on having to go out and earn money, or making a decision based on money (or lack thereof). It HAS to be so real you feel you can reach out and touch it. It should bring you to tears. It should get your heart pounding. It has to be emotional.

But you know what.....wishing it will never make it so!

You have to have an unwavering belief! You have to know so rock solid you WILL achieve those desires so deeply that it gets you mad when someone refutes it. So mad you could spit nails! Anything that doesn't line up with your images/vision you should literally have the mentality from that persons comments/remarks that it is so absurdly false as if they looked at you and told you you were green, 7' tall with 2 heads. Because what THEY say is so far from the truth it's ridiculous.

No one can do this for you. No one will save you. You have to save yourself.

You have to develop some thick skin. You will have people that will make fun of you. Laugh at you, that will mock you. Some will be your family, your friends, some strangers. Prepare for it! It's exactly like the severe weather warnings you get. Notice that bad weather is coming. Hurricane is to make land in 3 days. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't apply to you. That's your choice. But I'm telling you....if you've made preparations. You have secured yourself. You bought water, batteries, boarded up your home (put on your armor) when the hurricane makes landfall you ARE prepared, you aren't surprised. PUT on your armor! Junk people say and do.....It hurts, yes. It can be a very lonely time chasing your dream. So when Susie and Joe down the road say something that cuts you to the core....remember.... that girl on DG warned us about this. It was coming.

You have to realize it's YOUR dreams. Not theirs. They may not understand it. They may not get it. That's fine. If God has put desires and dreams in your heart, He has already equipped you with everything you need to bring it to manifestation. But if you want God to move in your life, you have to MOVE. I call it faith in action. Believe with expectancy. It's a fixed fight! When you BELIEVE you can do it, then ACTUALLY take already KNOW the outcome!

I can't believe it for you, Dean can't believe it for you. You have to believe it for yourself. That you right now, you are able and capable of fulfilling your God given destiny.
If it's comfortable you aren't using faith! Get out of the comfort zone and into the growth zone.

Get real with yourself. Quit lying to yourself. Quit making excuses. Determine exactly where you are right now. You have to know your current location to map your course. Good, bad or ugly doesn't matter. Get real here! I don't care if you have a 518 credit score, $13 in your account, booted when the company you worked for went out of business, from that to working 3 jobs to 'cut it', driving a used car, no home, divorced, lack self confidence and self esteem, bankrupt, being a single parent, alone, no family support, leaving most all the friends with the divorce, mad at God, scared and you have to eat peanut butter on dry shredded wheat because there is nothing else in the apt. You CAN do this. That's where I was a few years ago. Rejoice dear have hope!

I don't care where you came from, what you didn't do yesterday or today, only thing I care about is what are you going to do in the morning when you wake up and the Lord's giving you another chance.
Don't you dare stick an excuse in there!

Go page by page through Dean's books. Do EXACTLY as it is outlined, do NOT change or deviate one bit from the instructions. Forget about the details, forget about what you don't know. Your only focus from this point forward it checking off EVERYTHING Dean's laid out. It WILL work IF you do! There are things you have to do that will be a bit uncomfortable but honest you are already uncomfortable. This it's just new.

Don't you dare quit on yourself! No one can steal your dream! You have to roll over and give it to them.

You will find the world is weak, it is a coward! It WILL back down when it realizes you want!

It's all a choice. Everything in life is a choice!

God I hope something I have said in this post, stirs something in you. If only one person.....making you realize that you do not have to spend your life wishing and hoping or stuck in pain. You can make your dreams a reality. If you'd just be willing to pay the price and do the work.

In two simple steps your life can begin to change. Don't complicate it. Don't over think it.
Get buyers; Make Offers.
The whole thing boils down to two things: buyer + deal = check to you.

You didn't get in your current situation over night. Don't expect to get out of it over night. Think of it like this. Say you want to lose 20lbs. You would never work out one 30 minute session and say o.k. I'm good! I never have to workout again for the rest of my life. Well don't look at your financial future like that either. It will take discipline, consistency, some better choices, some sacrifices. But the results, the outcome, the rewards are oh so worth it! Smiling

Get started, Don't quit, Go hard, Get FREE!

God bless,


What an motivational Post Jen

I know this post is old but I'm glad I came across it. I've been following Dean for 4 years now and catch my self getting off track here and there. But for the last year I have been sticking to the game plan and joined IE. I'm still in the process of getting my first deal done. I need to stop making excuses and take massive action.


Reynold Orozco

Thanks you gave us a kick right where we needed it.

Don't let the roadblocks stop us, we need to find another way around them. God created us to succeed, but we still have to do our part. You go girl Laughing out loud



thanks I needed that!!!! :-)

God bless you always.
Keep up the good work.


IM a Diamond in the rough looking for partners I would like to be apart of dean's elite team in the very near future my goal is 100 properties a year

god bless all the members may we all shine bright like diamonds.


great wisdom from the

illustrious JEN GRAY