

Ok, so I'm a newbie. I've been interested for about 6 months now. Read Dean's book, went to a boots on the ground event, got business cards made, joined my local REI club. Just a part time thing for me as I am working full time and have a new daughter. We live in western south NJ.

Here's my issues...
Can this work in my market?
Are the escape clauses legal?
Don't the escape clauses make sellers not want to deal with you?
Where do I find these buyers?
Why should they choose me to work with, a newbie with no experience?

My biggest fear is getting a deal, a good one, and not having anyone interested in picking it up wholesale. Then I am stuck. I have a fear of losing money, a big fear. I have no capital to do deals right now. I want to wholesale so i can get out of debt and into having capital.

I was going to do the training academy at the live event, but the $2000 was just too much money for me at the time. I would love the wisdom, a more, to have Dean finance my deals and take a cut, but did not have the money to attend. I also have time commitments, working full time. I have an string interest in real estate, even thought about getting licensed and switching careers.

How do you guys do it? Start out with no money, experience, knowledge, and get people to buy-in to what you are trying to do, sellers and investors?



Whenever we are new at something and do not fully understand, we have ideas and thoughts that quite often are inaccurate. I think this is where you are currently.

Many of your questions are valid and can be answered to clear up your mind. Take the time to call the advisory line and talk to one of the coaches. Continue to use this forum to interact with other investors. You will find that you will ALWAYS get good answers in these two forums.

Remember, you should NEVER lose money on a deal, especially an offer. When you have knowledge that is correct you will act correctly.

Keep working hard and getting educated. Good luck.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach


All throughout this whole website....there are tons of info. You said you read one of DEAN'S books....go back and read it again....I thinks it might answer all the questions u just asks here. Sometimes when u re-read stuff, u can catch stuff(info) u might have missed...and it helps to instill some great stuff.

Everything u just asked is on this some of DEAN'S VIDEOS, there are some on exactly how to get investors/buyers....all kinds of great, and free, information on here....don't doubt it before u give it a chance, or yourself for that matter !!!!


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