IE or Success Academy???

IE or Success Academy???

Hello fellow DG'ers,

I am new to all of this and pumped up! I ordered and received all of Dean's amazing books and cannot wait to do my 1st wholesale deal. I am so inspired and motivated watching all of Dean's videos and the LOVE he has for his DG family.

I want to start more training, receviing better education, and with the help of someone in mentoring me and help show the way to real estate success.

Both programs look amazing, if anyone has any input,help,suggesstions on which is best to do, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Insider Elite program or the Success Academy???
I'm ready to get started and share my success stories!




I've had both, and both are

I've had both, and both are worth their weight in gold!

Here are the differences

Success Academy:
If you are looking for someone you can call any day of the week to ask a quick or long question about real estate. They also offer a step-by-step course to get you moving in the right track and achieve your plateaus of success.

You can ask a question to the experts via the website once a month, but you have access to almost EVERYTHING Dean has ever offered, including all his books, the EDGE event recordings, inner circle recordings, and other tools. This product is great for networking with other insider elite members and marketing your deals out to that network.

I couldn't really pick between the two for you, because we started with just the success academy, and didn't have IE available to us at the time. In my opinion, the success academy gives you the right knowledge plus extreme confidence, since you can call them any week day and ask something right away. But there is more DOCUMENTED education with IE, plus networking and marketing abilities. I say the word "documented", because all of the coaches on the success academy know what dean knows, but they may not go over all of the same points in their course.

Remember though, it's all possible to do it with ONLY the books and the material on this website if you apply what you learn.

Knowledge + Action = Results



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thanks Dom

Thanks Dom,

Your information was exactly what i needed. I agree from researching, both are their weight in Gold, still a tough decision to make and I'm confident which ever I decide to go with with benefit me greatly in the end.

I appreciate your opinion and thank you for replying.

I'll keep you posted on which I go with.


From one paisano to another,
