Planning to go to a free seminar in my town and was just curious if its basically just an upsell for a cost product. I personally have some DG books and I would love some insight for a novice investor but what i don't want is a waste of my time to hear about a coaching program or seminar. If I go a coaching route I'd prefer to stay VERY local. Anybody been? Hoping to hear from the forum and not so much staff.
You will learn things at the seminar, sure they have products/seminars to sell, but it is designed to be a low pressure seminar. I was at one a couple weeks ago, and I learned quite a bit. I didn't engage in the programs they had because I didnt have the $$ at the time. However, don't be discouraged....remember his books alone and this site can be enough to get you started. Besides, you wont be leaving the Live event empty get some of his free books, a camera, and extra knowledge.
I recommend attending it.
Together, we can be successful!
I was just at one of the free seminars by me last weekend and yes they do offer you additional products and training that you would need to buy to get involved in, but the knowledge that you receive during the training is worth the visit in itself. Just like Smasuda25, I did not do any of the added classes or programs but did learn a lot about how to use the programs that Dean talks about in his books. They give you books on CD and a camera at the end of the seminar. Be prepared to spend a few hours there for all the information.
Appreciate the feedback. Sounds interesting enough to enjoy. Believe I will attend. How long did yal spend at the seminar? I want to make sure I make enough time for it.