Can a Real Estate Agent LEGALLY wholesale real estate?

Can a Real Estate Agent LEGALLY wholesale real estate?

I really need to know if a Licensed Real Estate Agent can legally wholesale Real Estate..?

I'm going to become a Real Estate Agent very soon, in order to learn more about the RE industry, but I've heard in the past Realtors and Real Estate Agents can't wholesale real estate or do Lease Options, because they could lose their license or end up in jail...

Is that true ??


RE Agents and Wholesaling

Yes, you can wholesale legally. Make sure however, your Broker has no propbems with it. She may not be fully informed and be agaist something she does not fully understand. So the issue becomes it may not be illegal, but can't be done because the boss says so. Also, when you are an agent you have to always disclose that on you offers.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

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