Freedom Day - How long you going to wait to get yours?

Freedom Day - How long you going to wait to get yours?

WOW, Can't believe a year has gone by already!!! Well had to make a little post.

Today is my 1 year anniversary of my Freedom Day! What an awesome year! God has blessed me in such incredible ways this year. Ways that a year ago....were only dreams - what sometimes felt like out of reach goals. But I would not quit, would not slow down....and eventually those goals drew nearer and nearer til reached.

I've done alot of deals this year, learned so many lessons and have grown so much personally within myself as well as business. Things that looking at in the beginning I had to do some serious Jen coaching because I didn't know 'how' I would accomplish it, but I knew WHY I would. So dug in and figured it out.

Remember you don't have to see the entire journey/map before you crank the car and pull out of the driveway - just focus on the next turn (step) you need to make. Eventually you will make your destination! Just keep moving! Just like on the GPS when you make a wrong turn it says "calculating new route" -- life is no different! You will make mistakes, you will make wrong turns....It's not going to be may hit a pothole or two if you take a wrong turn and end up on the back road but no big deal just calculate a new route and keep moving!

I know that 2013 will be an incredible year. Anything I've done to this point was simple nothing more than practice round, preparation and foundation for what's to come! Yeah, you guessed it - I've got some God size goals! I want to make some HUGE impacts this year! I want to change an enormous amount of lives for the better! To be blessed so that I may be a blessing to others! Outside of my God size goals, I want to double. I want to really stretch myself to achieve greatness. I work on myself daily to strengthen ME prepare me to become that person.
I am a huge goal setter. I set goals, work and evaluate and adj monthly. I've spent a lot of time over the last 2 wks taking my yearly goals for 2013 breaking them down by qtr check points, to monthly targets to weekly to what I have to do daily to hit them. I know down to my daily actions I must take and the # of offers I must put in every day in order to reach the yearly goals. So Dean's wkly wisdom was on target this week! lol

Don't wait! Start NOW! Don't put off another day having the life you want and desire! It's just a choice. Just do the work. You are the master of your own destiny. You can create and achieve anything you want. You are destined for greatness! So quit playing small!! If you want to walk on water (so to speak) then get out of the dang boat! Put your foot in the water. Nothing happens til you take action! It takes faith / hope -- followed by immediate action.

The world is weak....sooner or later it will surrender when it realizes you want! The one who gets the one who refuses to leave without it!! Refuse to be denied!

Go hard, Life free, Die empty!



Well Said, I know that you have it in you!!

This will be my year to Really get busy. I have been lucky with this enonomy for my Remodeling Business to stay busy.

But as far as my Real Estate Investing I have been doing it part time and I know that I want more then that.

So thanks as always for your post and i will be there right behind you.


Jay C


Jay C