Ok the topic is just how I feel; stumped. I want to try the Instant Equity Exchange method for generating some starter cash. I am currently looking for a mortgage broker. I found a couple of real estate agents I could use, but when it comes to paperwork what do I do? I mean what is involved? Here's the delimma I face.

I find out what are the qualifications for subprime loans.
I put an ad out for people looking to sale their house.
I put an ad out for people looking to buy a house that match the qualifications I got from the mortgage broker.
I match the buyers to the sellers.

What type of paperwork do I fillout/file or what the heck do I do? Is there any risk? I mean could I get fined for anything? I don't want to lol because I have two kids to look after.

Thanks in advance



What I did...

Hey Kat,

This is a great website for all of your questions to be answered, we have great people on this site, lots of information to be shared and everyone on the site loves explaining things. What I did when I first started was read through all of the forums relating to what you are looking for and I guarantee that 99% of your questions will be answered. Just take a few hours and look through the site and you'll learn more than you anticipated on. Trust me I did. Good luck



Money won't fall into your hands, you have to earn it!


Thanks Kai I thought I looked already, but I guess I didn't look good enough. What I was looking for was the IEE Invoice. I seen that I had to send an email to get it so I'll just wait on it.


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