I have 4 nephews who are 25, 23, 21 and 13 years old. These guys lost both parents withing 6 months of each other two years ago.
These young men are amazing to me. They are each thriving and doing well in their lives. They keep in SERIOUS touch with each other. The three older brothers do not forget to include their younger brother in important activities.
They have not forgotten their parents. However, the four of them keep living and striving to meet their goals in ways their parents would be proud. In the beginning it was simply putting one foot in front of the other. By so doing they kept moving forward.
Many of us can learn from these young men. KEEP MOVING FORWARD. That is a major component of success. When things get tough, keep working. By so doing you will meet your goals.
Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach
Thank you for sharing this. I can tell you nephews are top notch.
This is great advice for anything we do. As most of us know there are road blocks we WILL encounter in our investing career. Anything from hard-headed real estate agents, our day job, various commitments, etc. can slow us down on our journey to financial freedom. However, we must always remember to Keep on Going Forward.
There is a saying I always remember when I am confronted with hard times – If you are struggling…that means you are progressing. Therefore, use those difficult times to learn and progress so that next time you will be all the wiser.
Get out there and remember – If you are struggling…that means you are progressing.