Hello, I am Donovan a business partner with my dad in our real estate business. I have a few questions about this package that we purchased along with the coaching.
1) The coaching is $3300 and they allow you to put $600 down and make a payment each month. But, if we were to find a deal and call them and tell them if they fund it we will pay for coaching after the deal will they do it? Or do you need to pay for coaching before they fund your deals?
2) I am curious about some of the audio. We have listened to 3 or 4 audios. We are motivated but we just want to learn the techniques. I hear a lot of informational stories but is most of this only motivation?
3) We have been to auctions before and the bidding wars usually get up to thousands of dollars. We have seen properties start at $2,000 and get all the way up to $50,000. I am sure they will definitely sell for $90,000 - $150,000 but what do you do when you can't put money down on the house? Also, what is a good way to find a hard cash person?
4) Is there anyone here who is already in the game who I can refer to as a mentor? My dad and I already have some experience in this business we were just not in the right position to start doing it. This program has motivated us and has got us going and has us striving for success now all we need is somebody who has already been there and done it. Please PM me.
Thanks, Donovan
To answer some of your questions.
1) The coaching program does not fund any deals (unless there's been a big change that I'm unaware of). However, they give you help in finding sources that DO fund deals.
2) Those are mostly motivational to inspire you to USE the techniques that Dean teaches, because those are people who have taken action and have been successful with those same techniques. In Dean's videos/blogs he does give some specific "homework assignments" to get you going.
2) Here are a couple of good HML lists on the site that have been provided by Anita and nstreet (to name the ones that I remember). you may want to get updated lists.
Read these threads:
3) You will feel like you are being mentored if you follow all the posts. And, yes, don't be afraid to PM as well. There are a lot of successful REIs in here. (Can take awhile to get back to people when there are a lot of them. Be patient.
God bless, and I wish your family much success in your business. It's awesome that you are working together to make this a reality.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249