Don't sweat the small stuff

Don't sweat the small stuff

As investors we can sometimes find ourselves going over and over things to make sure we’re not making any mistakes. In addition, we lose sleep and stunt our progression in the process. My advice is don’t sweat it. For instance; when you are out looking at a property you start thinking about what you could do with it. I’ll make it a rental, I’ll do this with this, I’d take that wall out, I’d remove that tree it’s ugly and so on and so forth. Unless YOU are doing the rehab there’s no reason to sweat that stuff. It’s up to your buyers not you to determine what is going to happen with that tree, wall or bathroom. Run your numbers and get the information to your buyers, but don’t sweat what they’ll do with it. That is their decision. Remember, our job is to find them what they are looking for, get them numbers, sell them on the property, then let them decide what happens to the property. Keeping this in mind should reduce stress, loss of sleep and help you move those deals a little faster.


I agree with you coach

Thanks for sharing this with us... Also, sometimes I find myself sweating on a deal when its not really a deal. Like they always say if the numbers doesn't make sense , it is never a deal. Its doesn't matter how motivated the seller is..

Thanks for your words of advice

happy Investing!


Miami Florida

"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi

"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek

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Agreed sir, with Deans books and the knowledge,tools,and resources that are being given to us here there is no need to worry about these things you do not control now.You will see in time, with practice and putting everything to action what we are learning is a way to know what potential if any that these properties have from several perspectives.It will become second nature.

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