
All About clarsen

Cory Larsen

Topics I've Participated In

Removing cigarette smoke HWBob198 years 31 weeks ago
questions for buyers aaron-n-suzy569 years 40 weeks ago
Contract between investor and agent - is there a template anywhere? OhanaD109 years 44 weeks ago
How to do a Title Search for Foreclosure Homes campbellsimon210 years 17 weeks ago
Cover letters FLAREI510 years 20 weeks ago

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buyers agreement

firefly's picture

Thank you for your reply. The agent I signed with agreed to let me cancel anytime I wanted with no fee. It is only good until the end of the year. I spoke with a few of his clients and was told nothing but good about him. I drove to his office to meet and talk to him. He drove me to 7 properties that I was interested in and let me look in each. So I am very excited to find an agent that is interested in my goals too. Will keep you all updated. Thank you again. Laura