Get Out Your Offer----Today!

Get Out Your Offer----Today!

Every day I have the great opportunity to deal with many of Dean's students. It is a priviledge to get to know many of you and your stories. Many of you have overcome great obstacles on your road to success.

I would like to talk about something that keeps some from tasting the success they would like. Just today I had a guy tell me how none of his offers were being accepted. He said he wanted to do well, but that he was not getting the results he wanted. I asked him how many offers he made this month and he said "two".

After a pause I asked him if he realized that two would not get him where he wanted to be. He said that he did realize it.

With the needed adjustments and the right attitude he is going to be fine. But it does take effort. If you put in the effort it will pay off.

The DG family is great. Work hard. It pays.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

it can be intimidating


putting out offers can be pretty intimidating to new students; especially when they get turned down, of when their agents tell them that they're too low, and that they have no chance of getting accepted, etc.

I think that it's important that coaches help new students change their mindset; not just tell them to go out and put in offers if they want to succeed....

Initially, when your offers get turned down, it's very easy to get discouraged and even give up. With the right mindset, students will be more inclined to keep putting out offers, especially when they know in their minds that every 'no' will get them closer to a 'yes'! Every investor needs to learn to view a "No" as a step closer to success, not as a failure.



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: