Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agents

For some reason new clients often get intimidated about finding and working with real estate agents. My experience has taught me that there is nothing to fear. When you fully understand how agents are paid and who is willing to work, you will have an easier time finding one to work for you.

Let's remember some facts about agents. If you have an office of 25 agents (1 will be the broker) there will be five agents that make 80% of the income in that office. the other 20 agents will spilt 20% of the income. In other words, the vast majority of real estate agents do not make enough money to live on.

If an agent is unwilling to work with you or even find you property, then move on. Agents are very numerous. Keep searching until you find one you are looking for. The good agents are out there. Keep searching.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

Good agents

I agree with Roy! There are good agents out there. You do have to look for them. When you find an agent you want to spoon feed them information about what you are doing. You don't have to explain every detail of the process. They will learn in due time.

Also when the agent client relationship is fresh you might want to keep your number of offers down. Meaning, 8-10 offers a week. Anything beyond this you will risk burning the agent out and having to start form the top in finding another agent.