Day 1 of 30 days to Real Estate Cash

Day 1 of 30 days to Real Estate Cash

Hello everyone,

I'm new to this site and fully devoted to making a permanent change in my life.

I've just started reading Dean's "30 days to Real Estate Cash." This is my first week reading it so I want to keep every and anyone interested in my progress.

Also, to those that have taken this path already, any advice would be appreciated.

I will use the script in the book when contacting agents. my question is how long did it take most of you until you started receiving listings from the agents?

Any tips on this stage?

Thanks in advance!


Inspired to Inspire Inspiration.


it. when you call the agent and talk to them the script shows you how to ask for some listings that same day. the latest is the next day usually. if it takes longer than that NEXT. there not interested. i encourage you to read some old posts here on dg about finding an agent. don't get discouraged you can do this. i just checked your population WOW between brockton (plymouth county) and norfolk and boston (suffolk county)you have a population of 2 million people. believe me it works there. i will go ahead and caution you some of the videos Dean suggest are no longer available for some unknown reason. the one telling you how to get an agent is gone but the one telling you what you want the agent to do for you does work. >> Weekly Wisdom #246 - Unfair Advantage #3 << It's in my signature also. go to my profile page and there are some useful things i saved for easy reference like how to find buyers etc...

Well I hope this helps, I could talk all day about this subject. I love REAL ESTATE. Never hesitate to come here and ask your questions.

have a great one man