I have a seller and buyer at the same time. He has a rental house in San Diego CA and wants to sell it to buy a duplex or two in Rogers Arkansas.
Looks like im going to learn long distance REI and Multi family at the same time.
DGers how should I handle this?
There's so much to go over that it can't all be put into a short comments but first of all: Get SD rental property under contract. What are the rental numbers? Is this a fixer? Offer formula for fixers in SD ARV x 80% -$30ft2 for repairs - your profit = Max allowable offer. PM me if you have any questions or want some help on the SD deal since that is where I'm located. Congrats on the great lead now lock it up! Have a great day!
I am a Professional Real Estate Investor! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of the J.O.B. You've come to fight as free men/women... and free men/women you are! What will you do for that freedom?? Will you fight?!! Lets fight for it together!!!!
I have been working on this for about two months now trying to get him to let me get it under contract, finally he has agreed to talk more about contract.
I don't know the SD market yet but im learning and might need some help that way, I will PM you with info.
Thanks Thom
same here man am in san diego, how many units is it? is it an apt bldg? I don't do apts but do have a long list of buyers man speculative ones now too so lmk if you need any help alright as you know I have done 9 wholesale deals.
good to hear from you man
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Been awhile sense we talked, I thought you was only looking for wholesale deals outside of Cali. The prop is single 3-2-2 rented, I will send you a text with info and see what you think.
Talk with you later.