Is anyone else having trouble taking the first step? I have read the book cover to cover many times and I still have yet to make the first deal. I have found a couple houses I am interested in but I dont think the locations are all that spectacular. The prices of the houses are well below FMV and my offer would also bring them down more I just dont know about location. And Dean stresses Location, Location, Location.
Maybe I need to just keep looking for something else. Anyone else having problems jumping the first hurdle?
Chance Property Investments
Only You stand in the way!!!! Get out of the way!!!!!!
hitmen9-Do not bail on your current thought,Just be aware...This is not for people wanting an exact answer.Change your thought again and again...Just do not give too easy!(thought=market approach)
Invest in yourself!
The best way to gather information on the market is ask your real estate agent to provide comps of similar homes that already sold in that area. Look and track the list price, the sales price and the days the home was on the market.
Try to look at results for the past 6 months. This should give you a feel of what homes are selling for and how long they take on average to sell. Based on this information it may give you a sense if you want to buy and hold in the area or buy and assign the deals.
Also, look into a local investment club to network and discuss the local areas near you. You may find out some good information on various areas near you. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
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Joe Jurek CPA
Hey guys thanks for replying so quickly. I have looked into REI clubs and they are very expensive in my area and not to close are there any clubs online that are not to expensive?
I have my power team, but I am having such a hard time finding deals!! the great deals are in horrible locations while the properties in the good neightborhoods the owners prefer to rent or just wait months and months than to accept a low offer. I dont know what to do, also I dont have money for down payment or ernest money.
>>>>NEVER give up, and know that the SKY is the LIMIT. We are OURSELVES worst enemy<<<