How would you determine the ARV

How would you determine the ARV

How would you determine the ARV?


Does anybody know how to determine the ARV

Does anybody know how to determine the ARV?

Anybody at all?

Found this answer...

"ALCHRISTMAN" posted this blurb a while back about determinging ARV...hope it's helpful.

Suzi : )

Determine After Repair Value (ARV) by using reliable comps and taking the average value per sq.ft. multiplied by the sq. footage of your property. To determine 70% of ARV, multipy ATV by .7, For 65% multiply by .65. To determine what per centage a list price is of ARV, divide list price by ARV and multiply by 100.


average comp value is $115/sq.ft.
home is 1500 sq.ft.
ARV=$115x1500 or $172,500.00

70% of ARV is $172,500x.7=$120,750

if list price is $150,000
list price is 150,000/172,500=.8696
.8696x100=86.96% of ARV

I hope this answers your question.

Good Luck, Al

Thank you so much

Thank you so much Suzi

I really appreciate you post

God Bless