How I found my realtor

How I found my realtor

From where I stand, finding the right realtor is key to your success. Here's how I found mine: go onto the HUD website, or any other, that lists what realty company had the winning bid on a property. Look for realty companies that win bids over and over again. Get in contact with them. Get on their mailing lists. Talk to them. These are the ones who are doing the deals for real. My realtor not only talks to the banks directly, but knows the folks at HUD as well. It's that successful relationship building process Dean is always talking about. His office also has access to lawyers, rehab crews and financing. One stop shopping that makes my deals and my life much less stressful. Hope this helps someone.


Great post

Keep us updated and let us know how it goes. GOODLUCK.



Investor realtor

That's a great, creative tip, Stephanie.

You're right. An investor's agent's worth their weight in gold, and makes life less stressful. Agents who deal only with owner-occupants don't know how to network and navigate the systems investors work with every day. Thanks a lot.

finding an agent

Thank you very much for the tip. I'll try that now. I am in touch with an agent at the moment that will be showing me what looks to be a very good forclosure on Fri. afternoon, but it won't hurt to talk to other agents. thanks again.

