Garage sales?

Garage sales?

Anybody ever found a deal from just going to garage sales? I've been going to estate sales and just see so many signs for garage sales, just curious if its worth the time..thanks


Yes check the book ...

If you have read Dean's book, Your Town; we are featured in chapter 12. One of our strategies is for Jill to check yard/estate sales to see if the property is for sale or if they might want to sell it in the future ... this has worked on a few occasions. Not only did we purchase the house, but in some cases personal property, furniture and even vehicles. All of these items
are additional forms of income besides the sale of the house.
In fact this one we're doing now, we had a yard sale & made and extra $1500
for a days work; plus have additional collectible items that will be more difficult/time consuming to sell, but could bring in 3K to 5K. Keep in mind that we will make about 15K to 17K on the house also.
Probates/Estates are GREAT !!!

Good Question

The main answer is that deals can be found anywhere. Many people ask me what the best thing to do is, or where the best place to look is. The answer is always the same. Great deals can be found anywhere! You never know where they will come from, and some of my best deals have come from some of the most random places, when I wasn't even looking for them! So give the garage sale a shot, and see what happens. In my opinion, it never hurts to ask something and see what happens.

Any place

where you can meet people is good; you can give out your business cards, get leads...
some people have garage sales in preparation for moving... think opportunity!

wishing you success,




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