Working on getting ready to roll. Buyers list and team set up.
Can someone please tell me how I get the seller to drop his price to wholesale so I can assign it. I know I have to compare with current sales, foreclosures and figure needed repairs. With all that said how do you make that final approach to low ball without offending the seller?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
magic buttons, as Dean says- you have to find the sellers magic buttons
besides the comps, SOON does he want or need to sell?
WHY is he selling?
he has to be a motivated seller.
whats the average DOM(days on market) in your area? does he want to wait that long or does he want to sell NOW at a discount?
a NO today may be a YES in 2 weeks!!
is this a property your buyers want?
Mike Free tools
Find out about the repairs, take your contractor there and get some estimates to asses the repairs. Also i would try to determine their motivation level for selling the property. You can do it! If it doesnt work out, no hurt feelings, just move on to the next one...
Tom and Jeri
Ditto to the above comments. We always tell the seller that we want to respect their time and not waste it, so what would be the bottom line that they MUST walk away with to do this deal?
Remember, if you are assigning the contract, you are bringing a cash buyer to the table (or perhaps you are paying cash). If that is the case, emphasize the fact that YOU bring CASH and SPEED to the table. Those 2 things are very important to a motivated seller.
Sure, they can decide to list it or go the conventional route, but then they will be looking at at least 3 months to closing. That means carrying costs that could be avoided if they closed 3 months earlier. AND, don't forget, we are getting into winter. If the property is vacant, that is a big problem since the pipes can freeze.
Remember, you are there to help them--REALLY. You can take a property off their hands faster than a conventional buyer and most of the time, that is what they want.
Good luck!
Pam (& Joe)
Joe & Pam
Matt Larson tells the buyers that "it's the foreclosures what's hurting everyone's properties' values in the area"; that way they won't take it personal, or worse, think it's you trying to take advantage of them...
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
The key is first you have to have a motivated seller, I find you'll talk to a ton of tire kickers before you find a real motivated seller. Its just a numbers game you have to talk to alot of people before you find the rigth deal. Don't give up cause that next person you talk to could be the one, Action = success!!..
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
Thank you all for the great info. This will give me confidence that I'm not there to take advantage of them. I truly want to help them.