Show Me The Money! Sources of Funding for Real Estate

Show Me The Money! Sources of Funding for Real Estate

Real Estate Agents and Mortgage Brokers will tell you that there are only two sources of money for the purchase of real estate properties--Loans and Other Loans. This is what they have been trained on, and they have procedures in place to put transactions together using standard traditional financing.
But as investors, we seek for more varieties of ways to fund the purchase of properties. There are five categories of sources for funding, with some sub-categories below. My favorite method will be listed last, along with the reasons this method is my top choice for property purchases, and the reason I have used it more than any other method of funding for both personal residences and investment properties.
1) Conventional Loans--These are the loans used by purchasers for owner-occupied loans, 1 to 4 units. these loans offer the most favorable terms because they are for the lowest risk purchases, but they also have the most strict requirements. Included in this category would be federally insured loans, such as FHA and VA, plus loans that resemble the federally insured loans from other regulated lenders.
2) Non-Conventional Loans--This category includes other loans from regulated lenders for the purchase of residential or commercial property. This category includes loans for higher risk owner occupied purchases, and investor loans for residential and commercial properties. Many hard-money type loans fall into this category, depending on the type of lender. These loans are generally considered higher risk loans, so the interest rates and down payment requirements will be higher, the loan-to-value ratio will be lower, and sometimes the term of the loan will be shorter.
3) Private Loans--This category includes loans from friends, family, or other private lenders. Since the lenders are not regulated, the terms and qualification requirements are set by the lender, and may sometimes be negotiable. The nature of these loans can vary from short-term to long-term, and in any other way that is acceptable to both lender and borrower.
4) Buyer's Pocket--This category includes any asset owned by the buyer that can be used for the purchase of real estate. It can include cash, money in bank accounts, mattress money, lines of credit, signature loans, objects of value (collections, jewelry, vehicles, guns, etc.), home equity, or any other asset that can either be converted to cash or used as collateral.
5) Seller Finance--In a seller finance situation, a seller can "lend" you their credit capability, their equity in the property, or actual cash money. Lending money is actually the least common. There are three types of seller finance transactions--"Subject To," where title is transferred at the beginning, and a wrap-around mortgage is created between the buyer and the seller; "Land Contract" where a purchase contract is modified to be in force for a lengthy term, payments are made during the contract phase, and title is transferred at the conclusion of the agreement; and Lease Option, which begins with a lease, and offers the buyer an option of either purchasing the property, or walking away at the conclusion with no further obligation.
Seller finance is my favorite method of finance for the following reason:
1) Approximately 50% of ALL real estate transactions include some version of seller finance;
2) Terms of seller finance transactions can include very low down payments of 1 to 5%;
3) As the buyer, I do not need to use my personal credit to qualify for a loan;
4) Terms of the agreement can be established to provide solid protections for both buyer's and seller's rights;
5) Seller finance is actually the largest source of funding in the world, and each new transaction has a new potential lender;
6) As a seller I can usually make significantly more money in the sale of a property than cash at closing, because there is no bank involved who will be earning interest.
I frequently buy and sell properties using seller finance, and encourage anyone who thinks it can't be done in their area, or that it is not an effective or legal source of real estate funding, to do a little deeper research. It's legal, and it can be a good deal for both sellers and buyers, and may work in more situations than you would imagine.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Retitled to Prevent Misunderstanding

It surprised me that this post did not attract more attention. then I realized that perhaps the title did not really convey the message. There is at least one major A-Ha! moment in the post above for many new investors, so I'm adding this post to bump the information to the top in hopes that those who need to find this information will be able to do so. I have also made one other change, which you will notice at the bottom of each of my posts. I've provided a direct link to my blog on this forum, in which I am re-posting those articles that I personally feel have the greatest informational content for readers. I will add to this "Best of" blog as I find information that I find most applicable.
Please realize that I spend each day on the phone assisting people who are experiencing a lot of the same obstacles that you may be facing as an Official Trainer/Coach with the Dean Graziosi program. We sincerely care about your success, and I do all I can from a writing standpoint to supply as much information for your benefit as possible.
I also want to acknowledge many many other people who post on this blog who have the same approach and attitude. Some of them are also official coaches that I work with, others are among those who have the highest number of posts on the blog. These are dedicated people who, I believe, have learned one of the greatest lessons of life, called simply "Giving Back!" Please let these people know that you appreciate what they offer, as do I. It will warm their hearts, and yours. And a Gratitude Attitude is one of the keys to experiencing true success in life. Best wishes for your success in all you do!


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Pre-approval letter need help!

This might be off topic but what can I do when my agent insists on providing a pre-approval letter from James who is part of Link source management. I'm trying to place an offer on a REO package deal but he won't proceed unless I send him this letter. I decided that since he is not doing what I'm telling him to do, he will be replaced but I will like to know if there is another way to handle this scenario?

Thank you


Thank you for reposting and the link

I for one will look into it! Thanks!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

Gildardo Response

In response to your post, have your agent (who is supposed to be working for you, not questioning and cross-examining you) call the link source management number. There is one person who responds to those calls, who will verbally confirm that the account holder of your VOD is, in fact a cash partner of yours, and that the statement of account is real and current. I would not expect an additional letter to be sent.
Your agent's role is to represent you, and to forward information that you provide to other people--NOT TO BLOCK YOU. In my estimation, this agent should be drop-kicked, and an agent who actually IS investor friendly substituted. My own personal method of finding such an agent would be to find a Real Estate Investor's association near you, call the contact person, and ask the following: "I am new to investing in this particular area and am looking for a good investor-friendly agent to work with. Do you have any real estate agents who attend your meetings who are looking to build new business that you can connect me with?" If there is any one place to find an investor friendly agent, it should be at a club consisting of real estate investors.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

What a great post

Hello Dwall I hope you know that you are one of my favorite Dean success Coach and I love the way you pour out your knowledge on

I appreciate your time for putting everything into a collection of your "BEST OF"blog so I can review them any time.

I'm pretty much familiar with lease option type of seller financing BUT I got some great questions for you in regards to your types of seller financing techniques which you shared in the above post.

1) I would love to be making offers on seller financing properties as well but my exit strategy plan will be to use a lease option tenant buyer option fee to cover my downpayment (1-5%) between me and the seller and sell via lease option. ...Can this be possible? If so, Could you please explain?

2) Could you please share with me some good terms such as interest rate, ballon payment mortgage, and a good years of amortization which I could make an offer on an owner/seller financing property in terms using Subject To," where title is transferred at the beginning, and a wrap-around mortgage is created between the buyer and the seller.

3) When a seller is not open to lease option type of seller financing, which one is more of a low-risk safe type of seller financing, is it Subject To," where title is transferred at the beginning, and a wrap-around mortgage is created between the buyer and the seller; or "Land Contract" where a purchase contract is modified to be in force for a lengthy term, payments are made during the contract phase?

4) Could you please elaborate more on "Land Contract" where a purchase contract is modified to be in force for a lengthy term, payments are made during the contract phase?

5) I know what a land trust means but is it the same thing as a "land contract"?

6) Can I use the below exit strategy when making offers on seller financing properties:
-Downpayment is to be paid after meeting inspection and partner contingencies within 14 or 21 business days
Could you please share with me some exit clauses which I could use?

7) How am I suppose to do my numbers OR how do I know my numbers are right when making an offer on a seller financing property?

Cool Assume I make an offer on a seller financing property on MLS, how do the listing and buyer agent get paid?

Thank you so much in advance and I glad to look forward to reading back from you.


Miami Florida

"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi

"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek

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Thank You!!

Thank you so much Dallin! I will replace my agent by fallowing your steps tomorrow Smiling

Answers for TC #1

TC, I think that the questions you have asked can provide some good content for everyone, so I'll do my best to diligently answer those questions, but will probably have to do so in installments--I'm expecting a busy day today.

1) I would love to be making offers on seller financing properties as well but my exit strategy plan will be to use a lease option tenant buyer option fee to cover my downpayment (1-5%) between me and the seller and sell via lease option. ...Can this be possible? If so, Could you please explain?

I prefer using lease option both as an acquisition technique and as an offering technique. My objective with the seller is to keep the option consideration (similar to down payment) at 1 to 3%, and offer to the tenant/buyer with a 3 to 6% option consideration. The spread, or margin is your profit margin, and option consideration is non-refundable. It is possible to blend different types of seller finance arrangements in a sandwich type transaction, but it is easier to align them and ensure your profit margins.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Answers for TC #2

2) Could you please share with me some good terms such as interest rate, ballon payment mortgage, and a good years of amortization which I could make an offer on an owner/seller financing property in terms using Subject To," where title is transferred at the beginning, and a wrap-around mortgage is created between the buyer and the seller.

First, I'd like to refer everyone to my posts under Dodd/Frank Act--An Investors Perspective, which discusses some legitimate concerns in using seller finance with a consumer (owner/occupant). I have concluded that I will not offer any seller finance choice other than lease option when I offer a property to a consumer. To find these posts, follow my link below to my blog, which contains the first installment on Dodd/Frank, and a link to the other installments.
On the seller side, however, where we are the not an owner/occupant, there are no new restrictions, so a person can use whatever method of seller finance they choose. Typical arrangements include an interest rate that is a little above standard residential loan rates, maybe 1% above. A common time period for balloon is 5 years, although it can certainly vary from that. Amortizations are determined by what would be an affordable payment, and sometimes a portion of the payment or interest is deferred in order for the buyer to be able to produce a positive cash flow.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Answers for TC #3

3) When a seller is not open to lease option type of seller financing, which one is more of a low-risk safe type of seller financing, is it Subject To," where title is transferred at the beginning, and a wrap-around mortgage is created between the buyer and the seller; or "Land Contract" where a purchase contract is modified to be in force for a lengthy term, payments are made during the contract phase?

I always propose a lease option arrangement to the seller, I prefer those, and feel that they offer the most open and easily modifiable arrangement. If a seller is not open to lease option, I will propose either subject to or land contract, depending on whether the seller is really anxious to just clear away involvement with the property (subject to) or is protective of the property, and still wants some involvement (land contract). Sometimes they simply state what they would like to do and we structure accordingly.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Answers for TC #4

4) Could you please elaborate more on "Land Contract" where a purchase contract is modified to be in force for a lengthy term, payments are made during the contract phase?

A Land Contract, or Contract for Deed, or Agreement for Deed, or Articles of Agreement (all names for same arrangement)is the same contract as what we use to place a property under contract for purchase. The difference is that we will not be having a closing within 30 to 60 days, it will probably be extended to a 3 year, 5 year, 7 year, 10 year, etc. arrangement.
As a consequence of the length of time, additional clauses need to be included that would be common in a lease agreement, such as who is going to handle the repairs, pay the utilities, care for the yard and property, etc., during this multi-year arrangement. A land contract combines the instructions for closing along with the agreement for day to day usage of the property until the closing takes place.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Answers for TC #5

5) I know what a land trust means but is it the same thing as a "land contract"?

I believe I explained the essence of a land contract above, but for those who are unfamiliar with land trusts, briefly, it is a method of ownership for properties that operates a little like a living trust, with a trustee, and beneficiaries. It provides asset protection benefits of privacy and separation, and, if the beneficiary is the same as the grantor of the trust, is not classified as a transfer of ownership that incurs transfer taxes. And it actually changes the ownership of the property from realty to personalty (meaning it is personal property). Land trusts are not the same as placing a property into a business, but do accrue certain tax benefits.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Answers for TC #6

6) Can I use the below exit strategy when making offers on seller financing properties:
-Downpayment is to be paid after meeting inspection and partner contingencies within 14 or 21 business days
Could you please share with me some exit clauses which I could use?

When setting up seller finance transactions, I typically make an offer that includes a time period of between 2 and 4 weeks before assuming physical and financial responsibility and allows for further investigation of the property. In a lease option, the clause would read something like this:

"Optionee shall assume physical and financial responsibility for property in 14 business days following the execution (signing) of this agreement, and the remaining balance of option consideration and first monthly payment shall be due at that time. During the period prior to assumption of responsibility, optionee shall be given reasonable access to property for further inspection. This agreement subject to a satisfactory full inspection of property by optionee and/or associates within 14 business days following acceptance of agreement."


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Answers for TC #7

7) How am I suppose to do my numbers OR how do I know my numbers are right when making an offer on a seller financing property?

As with any long-term arrangement regarding a property, the numbers are based essentially on a cash flow analysis of the property to make sure that it produces income on a monthly basis. You also want to calculate your cash on cash return on investment.
If the property is to be done in a "sandwich" type arrangement where you have one agreement for purchase and sale of property with a seller, and another with a buyer, then you need to examine your margins on the following items: option consideration/downpayment, monthly payment, purchase price, and length or term of agreement.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Answers for TC #8

Assume I make an offer on a seller financing property on MLS, how do the listing and buyer agent get paid?

This is an interesting point, and is also the reason that I look for seller finance opportunities primarily from properties for rent and FSBO listings.
Agents are not entitled to receive a commission until closing and transfer of title. In a Subject to arrangement, this happens at the beginning, so the agents are happy.
But in a land contract or lease option, the official closing on the property could take place in a year, or 5 years, or longer. They would still be entitled to any obligated commissions from the seller, but would have to wait. You can see how that might not settle very well.
It is possible to arrange for them to receive additional compensation, such as a percentage of monthly payments received by you, as an inducement to want to work with you on these types of deals. I've tried that a little, but prefer to avoid that added complexity, so again, I focus mostly on rental and FSBO properties for making these types of offers.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Hello Coach

I appreciate your time answering my questions. You are awesome!

I had to save this so I can review them again. LOTS of great information` which you shared.

God bless you and good luck in your investing!


Miami Florida

"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi

"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek

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Seller Finance and Mindset

Thanks TC, glad to be of help.
As I look back over this information on Seller Finance, it occurs to me that I need to make sure that those who are considering its use know that as you begin to use it as an offering technique, it may limit your ability to acquire properties using conventional loans. The reason for this is that we are agreeing to accept payments over time in order to increase the money we make, rather than taking a lesser amount of money as an all cash settlement. It's important to be aware of this as you use this technique.
Of course, there is a kind of addictive aspect of using seller finance as an acquisition technique that makes you want to dig and search for deals that can be done with very minimal out of pocket investment. It's hard to justify in your mind making a 20-30% down payment when you just purchased several other properties with less than 5% out of pocket.
I just wanted to make everyone aware of something that may be considered by some as an impediment to progress, while for others it is simply a way to maximize your return on investment when selling a property.


Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:

Thanks great info

The info was great keep up the good work join deans diamond syndication group

god bless.


IM a Diamond in the rough looking for partners I would like to be apart of dean's elite team in the very near future my goal is 100 properties a year

god bless all the members may we all shine bright like diamonds.
