The Great And Powerful New Ability-To-Repay Rule

The Great And Powerful New Ability-To-Repay Rule

The brand new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has arrived and is ready to save the citizens from getting a mortgage they can’t afford to pay back. The Ability-to-Repay Rule was enacted to inject common sense into mortgage lending and borrowing practices, because lenders and consumers had clearly demonstrated that they could not do so on their own. This would be a correct analysis given the depth of the mortgage mania that resulted in the mortgage meltdown that began in 2007.

Essentially, lenders must now super check a prospective borrower’s income information, documentation, verification and confirmation to assess whether they really fall within the prescribed tolerance acceptable for favorable determination of their ability to pay the mortgage back. Thus, barring any unforeseen catastrophic circumstances that cannot be anticipated at loan approval, a consumer can be relied upon to repay their mortgage back on time.Forbes

Let’s pull back the curtain and see what is really behind this great and powerful new market fixing rule.

CFPB Director Richard Cordray told a story in his prepared remarks for a hearing earlier this month about a man in California named Henry, whose home was being foreclosed on because his $50,000 annual salary was not enough to support the $500,000 loan that his lender “had sold him.” Henry had “assumed that the lender knew what it was doing by qualifying him for such a large loan.” Director Cordray opined that Henry like “others,” was “led astray.”

The Director also offered that, “for many borrowers, the numbers were ignored or fudged to get the loan approved. This kind of reckless lending was an endemic problem. I firmly believe that if the Ability-to-Repay rule we are announcing today had existed a decade ago, many people like Henry could have been spared the anguish of losing their homes and having their credit destroyed. The events that caused the financial crisis might well have been averted. The tragic reverberations that continue to affect so many Americans today would never have occurred.”

I submit that Director Cordray is being somewhat aggressive with his Monday-morning-quarterbacking. There is no denying that the mortgage industry run amok lending environment overwhelmed the financial markets. But the idea that had the Ability-to-Repay rule existed “a decade ago,” the collapse would have “never occurred,” and “people like Henry could have been spared the anguish of losing their homes” and whatever else he said, is irresponsible.

Common sense today and common sense “a decade ago,” would deny a $500,000 loan based on a $50,000 annual salary as a basis for repayment. But “a decade ago,” politicking, homeownership incentive laws and insatiable financial markets’ appetites for a never ending stream of new mortgage backed securities, shelved common sense.

The rules were different, sometimes it seemed there were no rules, and it all held together as long as property values kept rising. If the Ability-to-Pay rule had existed “a decade ago,” it would have been no match for the political and financial forces that gave rise to the tsunami of demand for mortgage financing.

Recently, Bloomberg View columnist Caroline Baum asserted that “relying on rules, rather than market forces, to allocate credit will turn out to be a mistake.” She is right, and in fact market forces have already corrected, adjusted and rendered the Ability-to-Repay Rule toothless.

The mortgage approval vetting process, the redundant documentation and verification requirements, and the proof-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt underwriting environment that is now the standard playbook in the mortgage lending universe far exceeds any rules the government could ever throw down. More powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and faster than a speeding bullet is the dreaded buy-back. Remember, all of those fantastical losses that lenders were reporting from loan defaults in the wake of the mortgage meltdown, were caused by bad loans they were forced to repurchase or buy back from investors like FannieMae and FreddieMac. As a result, lenders took to creating perfect loan files (see “The Perfect Loan File” ), to combat and minimize buy-back risk.

Avoiding additional financial losses is a far greater incentive to lenders than the promulgation of new rules governing how loans should be substantiated. The CFPB is well intentioned, but will no doubt morph into a clumsy, make-work bureaucracy funded by taxpayer dollars better spent elsewhere.

In the same column, Baum correctly offers that “as for potential homeowners, a short course in individual responsibility will serve them better in the long run than turning the mortgage lender into a nanny.”

And what about Henry, why is Henry allowed off the hook? Why does he get to abdicate any responsibility for “losing his home and having his credit destroyed?” When Henry “assumed that the lender knew what it was doing by qualifying him for such a large loan,” didn’t he wonder how he was going to be able to make the payments with his $50,000 annual salary?

Even before the mortgage mess created havoc in the financial markets, and throughout those Wild West frontier days of mortgage financing in the late 1990s and early-to-mid 2000s, there were mortgage application documents. At the very least, there was the basic four page Uniform Residential Loan Application (Form 1003) that was the foundation and the starting point for ALL mortgage loans. On page two of that four page loan application, in the upper right hand corner is the proposed monthly mortgage payment. Common sense might trigger a modicum of curiosity for Henry to inquire about how much his monthly payment would be and whether he would be able to afford it. Or not I guess, because we are excusing Henry for any responsibility in his financial mess.

I remember the first time I ever saw a Ferrari, I was a teenager growing up in south Florida, it was red and swoopy and I had never seen anything so fantastic. I have lusted after the dream of owning one ever since, but the reality of my financial wherewithal has kept that dream beyond my reach. That being said, if I was so inclined, I could probably beg, borrow and steal my way to a down payment and a loan on my red, swoopy dream and have it parked in my driveway in a couple of weeks. The only flaw in this plan is that next month and every month thereafter, I won’t be able to afford the several thousand dollar monthly payment! As reckless as this Ferrari idea may seem, how different is it, than agreeing to take on a $500,000 loan with a $50,000 annual salary? Can I keep the Ferrari and blame the messy financials on the finance company? Please?

The not-regulated-soon-enough mortgage industry has long been in need of oversight and you would be wrong to surmise that I am advocating industry pushback against over-regulation. The inherent self-correcting mechanism that is our free market economy can fix a hole in the dike faster and more efficiently than directed change from government dictate. Proving that you have the financial wherewithal to support a mortgage financing request has already been addressed and new rules cemented in place by a self-corrected industry. If you need proof, go ahead and apply for a mortgage, you will see how things have changed. The CFPB is late to the game, the job is already done.

The Ability-to-Repay rule may help protect mortgage consumers from themselves more than anything else, but it is the market correcting threat of having to buy back a less than completely vetted loan that will keep lenders honest.

If the protecting mortgage consumers from being taken advantage of is the mission of the CFPB, then inquiries and hearings should look at why FHA MIP (Mortgage Insurance Premiums), have not been rolled back. Increased to exorbitant levels last April to compensate for the Payroll Tax Cut (see “How The Payroll Tax Cut Is Costing Low Income Borrowers”), this burden is right now being carried by those with the softest voice who can least afford it, low-to-moderate income buyers. The Payroll Tax Cut was rescinded, so too should the MIP increases, how about looking into that Director Cordray?


Well said! The only thing I

Well said! The only thing I would have emphasized more is how Schumer,
Frank and Dodd used Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to allow everyone to get a house, including Henry. We need to prevent a few people from manipulating the world to fit what they think it should be.