I am a college student in NJ, with no income and limited credit, and after finishing BARM I am thinking of doing finders fees on foreclosed properties around my college. At my college there is a high demand for house rentals for the students because there is limited spacing in the dorms. On craigs list there are hundreds of students posting for rentals in their criteria. However I am having an extremely hard time finding investors and buyers. I'm hoping someone could give me advice on how to locate buyers and get started on this process.
See if you can find a local real estate investing club. You may meet a lot of good contacts and can gather information. You will be able to learn about your area and the resources available. Most clubs offer a buyers/sellers newsletter or announcements during or after the meeting. Good luck on all your deals! Believe and Achieve!
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Joe Jurek CPA
Thanks for the advice, but how would I go about offering my real estate properties at this investment club? Not to familiar with this...
Just a couple of web sites recommended through forum. The first being http://www.creonline.com/real-estate-clubs/ the second is meetup.com. You might want to use the search engine for more info on this topic. Much success..........Lubertha
First, determine your goals. Will it be assignments or rentals. With rentals you need to own the property, manage it (or have a management company), market it...
So you have more obstacles with renting, but it often presents bigger long term upside also. If you want to do rentals with no income or credit you will probably need to get a partner involved - friends, family, etc who can finance the deals. Also have the entire business plan figured out start to finish before even mentioning it. If I, or most people for that matter, where on the receiving side of a request to partner by lending money or financing properties with my cash/credit and there was not a fully thought out business plan with projections on specific properties that were lined up I would assume the person is not serious and that impression would hold over even if they came back with such plan.
Assignment can be a way to build capital to start buying if that is the route you want to take at some point. You can start by buying the very cheapest houses. If you have saved some cash from investments any remainder would be easy to get from family/friend loans or partnering, personal loans, lines of credit.
I'm sorry maybe I wasn't specific, I am looking for an investor/buyer to buy a foreclosure or property near my college and give them the inside scoop that they can earn positive cash flow by leasing the house to a college student. At my college there is a high demand for leasing houses because of limited spacing in the dorms. My idea is to do assignment or finders fees on these properties near my school and match them with mostly investors. I want to thank everyone on the advice I appreciate it. Recently I might have found an investor for a property. How do I go about doing a finders fee? or assignment?
Find an investing club and start getting your name out there for investors. Get some names and numbers and figure out what each investor is looking for. Then you can target specific properties and have someone ready to jump on it. Also try advertising on Craigslist.