Problems Purchasing

Problems Purchasing

O.K. I think I have a problem I have been laid off for about 3 months now, I rent my house since that is all I could do after getting out of the army and I do not have anyone to invest with me. Can I still get into this market.


Knowledge and hard work is what you need

If you haven't gotten Dean's latest book, I would reccomed it. You will see that you can "wholesale" without spending one dime. Basically you are the person who finds and locks up great deals then wholesales them to other investors who want a property to flip or hold. You can make up to $10,000 on each deal depending on the property and the market in your area.

Read everything and ask questions. You will soon be on your way!


"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase."

~ Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

Anybodys Market

doniwhatyoucan i do not know where you are at,As far as info about REI!
I believe a great answer for...Can i do this real estate investing thing?
Yes,It is anybodys market!


Invest in yourself!


Hi Robert,
Thank you for seving our country! This opportunity can exist for anyone under any circumstance. As you continue to take part of this forum you will find many in your situation or worse! They're doing it, so can you. This market is in a state that we could live our whole life and never see it again this way. "YES YOU CAN" benefit from this now under your circumstances. You already made the hardest step! Go forth with conviction! Continued success to you.........Lubertha



I do have the profit from

I do have the profit from real estate RIGHT NOW book but he says he wrote it a little while back and I have tried through 8 different companies to get pre-approved and they first said my credit wasnt good enough because my identity was stolen while i was in iraq but i got most of that handled and spent everything i have to pay off the rest, then i got layed off and now i cant get pre-approved without a 2 year work history at the same job. I make enough to pay my bills with my v.a.disability and they dont use that as income. If anyone has an idea to help me get the first deal I will greatly appreciate it,

Thank you in advance


The best way is doing assignments or bird dogging or double closings. Using these techniques your credit or cash wouldn't be an issue. In the book chapter 8 talks about assignments. You can also use the search engine on the home page to read older post on these topics. Much success to you..........Lubertha




Things happen for a reason. You are already an investor without knowing it. You have sign on to the DG website, and rented out your home (hope you factored in extra money for cash flow). Like was mentioned before, you need to purchase Dean's books, join a REI club in your area, choose a mentor on this site, knowledgeable about the business and put your plans into action. You have life and that is your greatest asset right now. It is time to obtain your material assets. It is important that your acquire as much knowledge as you can on the business of real estate by reading the various postings on this website, viewing the collection of forms and networking with individuals in the business. Fire all the negative people around you who will get you nowhere, and do not let anyone tell you, that you cannot realize your dream.. God Luck and God Bless.



"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Anyone can make it in this market!

Anyone can invest in this market. There are amazing deals out there, you can start with assigning contracts, you can look for a private hml, you can go for a property and get seller financing where they hold the paper, that will give you time to establish credit until you refi. Don't stop, you CAN do this!



This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams

Bruce Springsteen

People with the same goal

doniwhatyoucan i wish, I had words for the replys you received,You name what just happen!You are in good hands...I hope you know, you will have to take action on your info for it to work!


Invest in yourself!

I didnt mean i was renting

I didnt mean i was renting out a house i meant that the house i live in i pay a landlord not the other way around sorry. And the name is my email wich is from the army sorry if that was a bad name to use it is just easy to remember

Getting started?

Like many, deciding how to start is difficult. I have a home in VT but work in MA where I also live most of the time. I have a real estate connection in NYC and a conciere service connection in FL. I should be able to make some money, right? I was thinking that assignning REO's or preforclosures would be a good lace to start. My concern with preforclosures in that the sellers may persive that they are being cheated even though they are being saved from forclosure. How do you buy their home at 30%-50% off the FMV and still make them feel good about it?



investment funds

Check out CraigsList. There are sites of investors looking for properties. Thank you for your service to our country. Good luck.



Firstly, as said above - thank you for your service to our country. Second, the best advice I read here is to bird dog and do assignments. They do not require anything but your time to get you started. This way you can generate some income and begin to repair your credit as well. I wish you all the best of luck and hope to be reading about your successes in the near future. Also - see if there are any good real estate investing clubs near you. Perhpas then you can netowrk with fellow investors and explore new avenues. Dont give up!
And read, read, read this site. There are so many topics and threads that will teach you all you need to know in addition to the books.


hi everyone, and thank you for giving so much great info on the "what to do's"
just 1 question= what/and how does the bird-dogging work and what to do first?
ty for responding

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