No money down? Really?

No money down? Really?

Hello. I am still new to this. (I haven't even bought the book yet). I am contemplating purchasing it today with my last few dollars but I am skeptical.I notice that there are claims of having to put no money down (which is appealing to me because I am broke, lol) and my father, who is into real estate always tells me I am making excuses about needing money to make money and brags to me about deals he has made for 20,000 profit with no money in his hand. These deals of course did include someone who DID have the money. I myself do not know anyone I can borrow from (other than my dad) and do not have hardly any money to start off with.Im tired of borrowing money from my father and would like to try to do this myself. Even though I know he would be willing to help. I am a student and I do not work.I am not very good at math at all, but my reading comprehension skills are very vast.

Would I need money to start or are there other ways to begin?

How much time would I need to start?

Does it require much math? Would the average person who sucks at math be able to do this program?

How often would I have to leave home? Other than to fax paper work?

I know some of these questions have been answered for others, but would it be wise for someone like me who has no job, no credit and no money for a RE lawyer to invest in these books? Honestly, all I have is time, my laptop, my bike, and the desire to make money.I just dont have the big money to get started.

Thanks for any input or advice you have to give. Thank you.


No Money Down deals

Hi! I am just getting started and i a kind of nervous on how to approach sellers. I want to go out and try to do a assignment deal but I don't know how to negociate with a seller. i dont't want to sit down with a selller and look like a fool like I don't know what I am talking about. I don't want to make a bad impression. I want to go like a professional. Can someone tell me about the first time they approached a seller and how they did.

Thank a bunch!!!


I hope you don't take what I am going to say wrong, because there is no animosity coming from my heart.

You don't seem to believe this can be done and that is okay. Your last few dollars??? how much money do you stand to make versus spending 25.00, easy choice to make.

Also, your dad seems to have made money and isn't that someone you should trust?

Food for thought.

Jimmy B

Assigning contracts

How do you explain assigning contracts to a real estate agent. please help.


no further comment needed... Like usual, well put.


Gary Rabatin
Certified Cash Flow Consultant
Founder & President of Gold Bar Funding Group L.L.C.
Private Real Estate Investor
"Building Wealth by the Numbers"