No money down? Really?

No money down? Really?

Hello. I am still new to this. (I haven't even bought the book yet). I am contemplating purchasing it today with my last few dollars but I am skeptical.I notice that there are claims of having to put no money down (which is appealing to me because I am broke, lol) and my father, who is into real estate always tells me I am making excuses about needing money to make money and brags to me about deals he has made for 20,000 profit with no money in his hand. These deals of course did include someone who DID have the money. I myself do not know anyone I can borrow from (other than my dad) and do not have hardly any money to start off with.Im tired of borrowing money from my father and would like to try to do this myself. Even though I know he would be willing to help. I am a student and I do not work.I am not very good at math at all, but my reading comprehension skills are very vast.

Would I need money to start or are there other ways to begin?

How much time would I need to start?

Does it require much math? Would the average person who sucks at math be able to do this program?

How often would I have to leave home? Other than to fax paper work?

I know some of these questions have been answered for others, but would it be wise for someone like me who has no job, no credit and no money for a RE lawyer to invest in these books? Honestly, all I have is time, my laptop, my bike, and the desire to make money.I just dont have the big money to get started.

Thanks for any input or advice you have to give. Thank you.


Hey Shauna

If you were my daughter I would tell you - To Fail Is Not To Try. I have read all the stories also and I have bought all of Dean's books and I also plan to join the Success Academy at the end of this month. I am living less than paycheck to paycheck and about to lose my own house unless I get a true miracle......but I said all of that to say I believe it can happen.

There are people on this sight that have connected to make deals happen. There are people on this sight that have no money and bad credit and they have done it. I don't know boaut leaving the house but, I know there are people on this site that have done deals over the internet and made deals sight unseen. I think the time has alot to do how hunger you are to make it happen. So if you believe it seems like you got the best partner and connect right there in your Dad.

Don't let your dreams pass you by.


Erika, REI
Brownstone Investment Group
Job 22:21 Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.
Job 22:28 You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.
Deut 28:8 The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything yo do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord you God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

Go For It

Hi Shauna,

If I had known 20 years ago what I am now learning about real estate and applied myself appropriately. I would be beyond a millionaire and living my dreams. You have to start somewhere.

Get Dean's book, take notes, start your network. You'll learn more when you start reading. Don't waste time like I did. I have 4 sons, 3 at home and it's challenging to shoot for your dreams when you have a family but it CAN BE DONE! Don't delay! As you can see, Dean's site has so much info you can only absorb so much at a time but it's awesome and like going to college!

It's good to here that you don't want to rely on your dad. That says alot about you. Many children today sometimes take advantage of that. Just go-for-it!



You can't go into a battle without an army right? Just as you will soon find out, real estate investing is a battle everyday. You need the tools to start this journey and the only tool you should start out with is one of Dean's books. I would suggest his latest book YOUR TOWN, YOUR REAL ESTATE PROFITS, since this is his latest and most up to date. Read, read, and read and then come back to this site....Jan

most your comments are

most your comments are positive which is great, but doesn't address shauna's question. "think positive" is a great and all, but she is looking for answers, as well as i am. i bought dean's first book the other day and i'm a third through it. so telling me to buy the book and read it won't work. i too would like to know if no money and bad credit works. someone that has been there and done that reply, otherwise tell your positivity comments to another post, thx.


Here are some answers
No Money or Credit- Course of action- Bird Dogging for other investors or LEARN to assign contracts

No Money- USDA Funding for owner occupied properties. 103% financing available

Now to address your comment. These tips DO come from somebody who has been there and done it 10 times over. So if you want some really great people on this site to help you with any questions you have, I would suggest that you

Drop The Attitude.

re; No money down ? really?

hello shauna and everyone else on this page
ok shauna first it works people do it everyday
myself included i got a lot of problems not gone say what
but probly im one of the ones owho got it the wrost but
i dont quit and you shouldnt either
bout how try doing assignments aka wholesaling and lease options
dean talks about it in the books and if you need help after you
learn and understand what they are and how it works if you have
any questions come to this site it's tons of info on all both are
the no money down ways of doing real estate hope that helps and
if there is anyway i can help personally just let me know email me

Lose the stank attitude please

2000csi wrote:
most your comments are positive which is great, but doesn't address shauna's question. "think positive" is a great and all, but she is looking for answers, as well as i am. i bought dean's first book the other day and i'm a third through it. so telling me to buy the book and read it won't work. i too would like to know if no money and bad credit works. someone that has been there and done that reply, otherwise tell your positivity comments to another post, thx.

For someone thats not bringing anything to the table, you might want to cool down.

No one has to help you at all; be grateful anyone is willing to help you at all

Helpful tip; do what people say because no one is going to feed you on what to do, as we are all adults and have our own things going on. Read, learn, have something to bring to the table and then proceed.

Most of the people on here do this on a regular so just listen, pay attention and just do it

Hope it helps


I knew that we thought alike...Jan

Yo Jay


we're here lol

Remember when -

- people with idiotic attitude problems, offensive comments, spammers, and advertisers trying to sell stuff on this website without Dean's permission used to get flagged and booted from this site?

I miss those days.

If I had a penny for every post I've seen from someone talking out of their arse when they themselves haven't lifted a finger or have a clue what they're talking about, I'd already be a millionaire without having to leave my computer desk.

See those "medal" icons below a poster's name? You earn those by doing something constructive for this site and its members. The more of those someone has, the more likely they know more about this stuff than you do. Most of these veterans will help you, if you ask them nicely. But they're already too busy with their own work and success to do it for you.

If you've heard of Dean's books and you still want someone to do the work for you, or if you think the Success Academy should be free, consider this your reality check. This is a community, not a commune. If you want someone's help, you will have to POLITELY ask for it. If following directions, putting forth effort, manners, and class are lost on you, then you are lost on us. BUH BYE.

Now that we cleared that up for the 15,000th time on this site, back to Shauna's question...

Is there math involved? - You're dealing with properties worth hundreds to millions of dollars. There BETTER be math involved! No algebra or anything, but lots of calculator-type math. If you can't handle that, get a calculator - problem solved. If you're great at reading, you can always get better at math. If you're in college, you'll have to have basic math mastered anyways. Aside from doing percentages, the only "difficult" math is calculating mortgage amortization, and there's computer programs that do that for you all over the place.

If your dad has invested and made money with real estate before, then believe him when he says "those are excuses." The quickest way to get started Shauna is this:

1) Buy Dean's real estate books and read them cover to cover, at least twice each.
2) Ask your father to teach you what he knows about making real estate deals.
3) Follow the directions in Dean's books, in order.
4) Keep reading and asking questions on this site.

If you finish this list and still haven't seen progress, you'll know exactly what your problem is and someone here will know the answer. Once you get started doing this, progress and momentum (and your experience) will start to "snowball" on its own. Ask anyone whose done it, that's really how it goes... Don't give up! All the best. Laughing out loud


Paul: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain."

Duke Leto: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - "Dune."


Thanks for jumping in,. I like your style man...Jan

Ask Dad for Help Anyway

Think of asking Dad for the money as a business deal, not just for you to pay your bills or buy new clothes. If you find an excellent real estate deal and Dad can also make some money just by letting you borrow some for a little bit, then I can't see him being upset with that. And you are making money creatively through real estate. (Then thank him and find another deal to repeat the process.)

Best of luck Shauna!


to all

i apoligize for the attitude, i'm just so fustrated right now in life. i just wanted to know where to start, having bad credit and no money. i don't wanna borrow money, because i don't know when i'll be able to pay it back. once again, sry for the attitudish comment

All is forgotten...

2000csi wrote:
i apoligize for the attitude, i'm just so fustrated right now in life. i just wanted to know where to start, having bad credit and no money. i don't wanna borrow money, because i don't know when i'll be able to pay it back. once again, sry for the attitudish comment

now back to our regularly schedule program

As was said, read the book. If you don't understand a section or part, ask on here. Before that read it again. And again. And again if needed.

The point you're not going to know everything at once, but what is needed is that you have a foundation at least growing. Take your time; this is not the profession to rush in or it will break you. Enjoy this so that the work you put in will be fun and not work. If you're enjoying it you'll understand it and continue.

If you're not,stop doing it as its not for you

O down

I would like to add. Doing deals with no money is possible. It took me over 9 months to get it all work out. I did have the help of the success acamandy. But I had to do all the footwork and take advice. I have closed over 25 deals with O down, Bankruptcy, NO money, and everybody telling me it would not work. Well Maybe it want work, But for it not working I do own 20 + Homes. So if this is not working I personally hope it doesn"t change.



thx elix

elixbrown wrote:
2000csi wrote:
i apoligize for the attitude, i'm just so fustrated right now in life. i just wanted to know where to start, having bad credit and no money. i don't wanna borrow money, because i don't know when i'll be able to pay it back. once again, sry for the attitudish comment

now back to our regularly schedule program

As was said, read the book. If you don't understand a section or part, ask on here. Before that read it again. And again. And again if needed.

The point you're not going to know everything at once, but what is needed is that you have a foundation at least growing. Take your time; this is not the profession to rush in or it will break you. Enjoy this so that the work you put in will be fun and not work. If you're enjoying it you'll understand it and continue.

If you're not,stop doing it as its not for you

thx elix, i'll keep reading and not jump in too fast. another question, can i buy "profit from real estate right now!" in store at all?

I don't think so

You can buy it online here.




2000csi wrote:
elixbrown wrote:
2000csi wrote:
i apoligize for the attitude, i'm just so fustrated right now in life. i just wanted to know where to start, having bad credit and no money. i don't wanna borrow money, because i don't know when i'll be able to pay it back. once again, sry for the attitudish comment

now back to our regularly schedule program

As was said, read the book. If you don't understand a section or part, ask on here. Before that read it again. And again. And again if needed.

The point you're not going to know everything at once, but what is needed is that you have a foundation at least growing. Take your time; this is not the profession to rush in or it will break you. Enjoy this so that the work you put in will be fun and not work. If you're enjoying it you'll understand it and continue.

If you're not,stop doing it as its not for you

thx elix, i'll keep reading and not jump in too fast. another question, can i buy "profit from real estate right now!" in store at all?

Not sure. Go to Borders or Barnes & Noble and check it out

B & N

I saw it at barnes & noble, in store.



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT

New bg

this is all new to me. i have just got all of deans books.i will do all i can to make it work for me.if you want something as bad as i do you will make it work.if any one out there have any input for a new bg please let me know.


thx, i checked barnes and noble website and it showed the local stores having it in stock. after i read the first book, im going to buy the 2nd book immediately. i'm only a third of the way through the first book and it's got some great stuff already.

Get the 2nd one...

2000csi wrote:
thx, i checked barnes and noble website and it showed the local stores having it in stock. after i read the first book, im going to buy the 2nd book immediately. i'm only a third of the way through the first book and it's got some great stuff already.

But don't open it until you fully or near fully understand the first

Crawl before you walk

what to do first

Hi Shuana,
I know your frustrations. You have to get the books, that's for sure.
After reading them, pick the part you'd like to do. THEN put a plan into action. For me, since I have no start up cash, it's going to be wholesale.
Line up buyers, find some houses, (sellers) get the house owwner to assign the house over to you for a certain amount of time. (2 to 4 weeks). Find out how much the seller wants, add a fee on it and sell it to one of your buyers for 5 to 10 thousand more. you get the difference at closing. You have to find a good realtor, a good mortgage company and title company and a realestate attorney.
You can do that from home on your computer and phone. If you are serious,
keep coming to the site and try and find yourself a partner in your area and hook up with them. You can give each other moral support and help when needed. I read all 3 of Dean's books and was soo impressed. You will be too. Good luck...... Louise

one thing a day and dont quit

Yes you can do no money down deals but you have to get up and get out and work for it.
if you want a no money down deal its going to be allot of work but yes it can be done my home was a no money down but be sure things happen and until the deal is closed you cant relax but it can be done.
another example is assignment of contract.
im in nyc and ive been told many times this method wont work here but i am hard headed and persistent and now have 3 investors who will buy my contracts and im working with them on there existing deals this way i know exactly what to look for for each investor they but my contract and it costs me $0.00 to do you can eaven set back ernest money a few days and investor pays for it.
Not all deals work out but the key is to keep going and dont quit and one day you will have that first deal and first check then you look back and say lets do it again.


Rafael Morel
M&N investment.

I Like How We Agree To Disagree

That is what makes this site so special. We support each other despite the challenges we face. My partner and I also did our deals with no money down, but ours was a different scenario altogether. Of course it could be done, and very creatively too. Remember also that knowledge on any topic is power when negotiating the deal. God Bless.



"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

If Anyone Is Interested

I just got this information by e-mail, if anyone is interested or know someone interested and is investing in the area. Just trying to help out.

NON-MLS Deal: $23,000
7035 Lena
St. Louis, MO 63136

2 Bedrooms/1 Bath
Sale Price: $23,000
ARV: $61,000

This 1000 square foot brick house is ready to go – no work needed! New ceramic tile in kitchen, updated bath with marble flooring, partially finished basement, fenced backyard, large dining and living area, new furnace, new waste and sink stack.

This house currently has a 3 month lease tenant. Tenant is willing to sign one year lease if owner desires. Has passed all inspections.

Cashflow spreadsheet and more photos available upon request. Exterior photo attached.

Call Danielle Hubert at 636-699-6366 for more info and to make offer. This one won’t last!!

Have a great day!


Danielle Hubert
REI Liaison
Cell: 636.699.6366
Office: 636.447.1487
Fax: 636.447.1196


"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You are lucky

Hi Shauna,
You ae lucky to have your DAD. Do the business with your DAD as a partner in financing or how ever you have to do it. If you need it that bad you will make it work. Keep a day to day account towards your goals, work towards achieving that goal. No Money down, No Credit works 20 times over. Keep us posted.


You would benefit from getting the book. How great that your Dad is involved in REI Smiling Go to REI meetings and meet investors (like minded individuals) hard money lenders, RE agents, etc. I wish you the very best.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC

I will be attending one of

I will be attending one of Dean's workshops soon. What can i expect to learn.

banks& owner finance

Hi Everybody I have A quick question,Im lookn at a house its worth about 50,000 I have the owner down to about 39,000 and willing to owner finance part of the property.THe house is payed off so If i offer him 20,000 down and he carry the rest,I got good credit and have 6 other rental propertys.How Does it work if i go to a bank get a loan on the house for the 20,000,they would be the first lien holder on the house,would my seller be the second lien holder and how does that work do i do a promassary note or how does that work to were my seller fills secure