Can anyone refer me to a credit repair company that actually works. Please give me some advice on steps to take. I would like to hear some personal stories...good or bad. Any comments or ideas is greatly appreciated.
Can anyone refer me to a credit repair company that actually works. Please give me some advice on steps to take. I would like to hear some personal stories...good or bad. Any comments or ideas is greatly appreciated.
Checked out the link on the right side of the main page about half way down? It says something about credit repair help and what they offer. I've only checked it out a couple of times but there is some good information on there.
Go check it out and see what you can get and Dean himself backs this guys stuff so that should tell you something.
Good Luck!
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do.
See Where The Journey Never Ends At:
Chase Brooks
I have never used this firm but the CEO (Corey Gray) appears to be an intelligent man and has written some nice blog entries on another RE site. You can go to his firm at:
Please do you own research before you work with this guy as I am only going by his reputation and not first hand experience.
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Dean has a suggestion to use, "The Robert's Group". I was wondering if anyone has actually used this group, and if so, what kind of results did they experience. Also curious to know an approximate time frame for results. I suppose each case will vary, depending on the degree of existing damage.
I have read a few tips and strategies to use in several of the links and forum topics throughout this site. Very helpful. Thank you for your help.