How NOT to succeed in Real Estate

How NOT to succeed in Real Estate

I wrote this for my friends Rich and Steve whom I've been trying to help to no avail, maybe you will find it comical and useful.

How NOT to Succeed in Real Estate

Never read any books, listen or watch any videos or MP3’s on Real Estate wholesaling & investing.
Refuse to take a class on improving computer skills.
Refuse to learn salesmanship and people skills.
Refuse to read and learn anything about improving your mindset and motivation.
Refuse to learn about how body posture and tone of voice and enthusiasm effects your life and money making capabilities.
Refuse to acknowledge you may have a bad attitude and be stubborn and argumentive.
Dwell on past mistakes and hold grudges over lost deals.
Keep pouring effort and time into a dead end job.
Continue to make excuses and don’t give Real Estate more than a 10% effort.
Continue to focus on mediocre, bad or dead deals instead of going after new ones.
Continue to spend money on Restaurants and new vehicles instead of using that money for marketing.
Never take advice from somebody more successful than you.
Refuse to forgive people that have wronged you.
Stay grouchy and unhappy, make life miserable for your family and others.
Never give compliments and praise to anybody.
Don’t take time to listen and always over talk them & give reasons why your right and they are wrong.

To Succeed in Real Estate,
do the opposite of the above




You're taking all the fun out of life!


P.S. - Everything else is immaterial, irrelevant, and unnecessary.

That WAS You 4yrs ago..

and MANY others that STILL have NOT LEARNED yet

I was there too at one time and MOST Will be and QUIT


Mike Free tools


Sounds like me before listening to Dean lol

Now I can just high five a naysayer to the face

When I hear their methods of shooting me down and speaking on stuff

They have no knowledge over


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-

love this

Each day is a new day to get better and keep on learning!!!!!!!!A shucks life is so much fun!!!!!Jim




Love this! This list could easily be applied to LIFE! Smiling


To our success,
Rachel Bazzy

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