I was working as a Finish Carpenter for 30 yrs and making a good living building big custom homes here in California. I married the girl of my dreams at 49 yrs old.Of course as we all know about 3-4 yrs ago construction crashed almost overnight. Unemployment funds lasted a few yrs. I decided to get involved with buying and selling notes. It took money to do direct mailings to contact note holders. I did make money though, sold a note and made $6,000 but it was a lot of work and time, I had spent over $1,000 on the lists of names and stamps etc, it was profitable. But then I seen Dean Graziosi on TV late one night and ordered his books and a few other guru's material. I've just completed 2 deals. It was a lot less work than doing the notes. I Got a pocket full of cash. I ordered business cards, yard signs, door hangers, web site, business phone line, new shoes and sun glasses and Im ready to get serious.
UPDATE Been at this for 3 or 4 years now, I had a slow start cuz I wud do a few deals and head to the islands and come back broke and have to start from ground zero. I made a commitment this year 2015 to do more deals. I'm excited to say I've done a bunch of deals and have made over $80,000 so far this year with 4 more months to go and I expect to clear well over the 100K goal I set for myself.
It's been a wild & emotional ride. I really luv this business and am learning all I can on salesmanship and motivation and mind set. I enjoy helping others get started also.
Let's make some MONEY
Hi Randy
congratulations on starting your rei journey! the shoes and sunglasses will definitely come in handy if you intend to go out there and find some deals!
You will find great resources and useful information on this site!
wishing you great success,