My Bird dog Sent me Addresses that she also Sent to another Wholesaler

My Bird dog Sent me Addresses that she also Sent to another Wholesaler

She said she was sorry and only shared with me the list of out of town addresses she found for the other Wholesaler.
I told her OK get back out there and find more and don't share addresses.
I will amend my bird dog agreement to have a confidentiality statement that they have to sign in Blood.
This girl has sent me a ton of addresses, hate to lose that stream of prospects.

If fact she just sent me an address, sits on the outskirts of town, on 7 acres, newer home with huge shop, property was inherited by 2 brothers that look like they have been to drug hell and never came back. They told my bird dog that they sold the Antique cars, farm equipment and furnishings & coin collection, RV, boats, and already spent the large cash left to them. The parents havnt been dead that long.

Now their living in the house with no electricity, they got no phones, they look like they havnt had a bath and shave since 2002.
I gotta tell you, I'm drooling all over myself and getting ready to go talk to them. I wonder if they will take just enuf money to purchase a few Kilos of Meth and walk?
Bird dog said they have trashed the place. It's really sad to see this city with this huge tweaker problem. I seen a special on TV and they said..... Stay tuned, Meth Capitol of the world, I was thinking this will be interesting, and it turned out to be my city.



um wow!

very funny post and yet very sad for those brothers, i hope everything works out in this deal


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