Classified Ads

Classified Ads

Hello Everyone...

I am one of the seniors on this site. I thought I would let some of you know about something that you may not know! There is a web site that allows you to read just about every newspaper in the country. So...if you are looking for real estate in the next state over, or the next county over from you just go to: Hope that helps anyone out there. I like to look at the different classifieds ads and mainly look for motivated sellers. I lived in Southern California for 50 years and now have lived in Arizona for 4 years. I like to keep tabs on both states.

Tom Scott


Classified Ads

Thank you Tom! A great tip!




Thanks Tom...

I'm ALMOST a senior myself! Thanks for the new resourse, they always come in handy!



Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie

Newspaper adds

Tom Scott; Thanks for the newspaper's link. I have 5 surrounding towns I have been wanting to "drive" to just to get their local paper so I can check place ads for motivated sellers and buyers. We have been pretty well snowed in with the kids out of school since b4 X-mas. Going online I can still get something accomplished. Thanks, Layman T. Scott President of Scott Realty & Housing,LLC

Thanks for the link

I just checked out this link and wanted to say Thanks! I added it to my Favs, Its part of my arsenal for REI success.

Thanks for that Tom!

Hello Tom,

thanks for the link, very helful.

Escobar, Omar.


Escobar, Omar
Phone (714)737.3868
Email oescobars@****

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