W.S. Hurtado's Journal

W.S. Hurtado's Journal


This is my online journal of my progress so far. Please bear with me whom ever may be reading this, as I am new to this whole thing.

Well I just got the book not to long ago and it just sat there for quite some time before I decided to finally pick it up and get after it. I have since read up to chapter 5 in the book and have began to take action.

I created a free website thanks to Dean's hosting at mycolorado.usapropertywholesale.com I am yet to really get into that though. There is just so much to do it is truly exciting, Im lovin' it.

I also signed up for Dean's Real Estate Academy and I have my first coaching session set up for tomorrow with Stefen Gale at 1pm. I am excited for this so I am preparing questions and plan to read thru to chapter 8 by tomorrow. I want to have a lot prepared so as to woo the coach with my drive and determination.

I have also started to listen to and take notes on the PMI courses, or ITS Interactive Training Courses. So far I did the intro and most of the lesson on building lists. Very informative with lots of info to take in.

I have also began to do research in my new neighborhood of Boulder, CO. I am taking detailed noted on the areas houses for sale and rent as well as driving the neighborhoods looking at the FSBO's while I do a little yard sale shopping too.

Another accomplishment I have made in the past few days is to begin making mockups of "bandit" signs, classified adds and even my own business cards. I do see just how important advertising is going to be for this whole system to work and I am excited about it because I actually enjoy doing this kind of stuff.

Here is my current TO DO LIST:

Get more info on FREE SERVICE through COA network re: 800#

Decide what prerecorded voice message is best for me then tweak and record

Get thru chapter 8 before speaking with Coach Stefen Gale

Make a digital mockup of business cards and flyers

Register a trade name with the Colorado SOS Secretary of State

Attend Marvin Hogge's phone seminar on 8/17 at 8pm on pre-foreclosures
712-338-8000 code 998377#

Well I guess thats about it for now. It is going to be a long fun ride and I plan on enjoying every minute of it. Thank you all for reading along and I wish you all the best in your getting up getting out and getting some for yourselves.

Lastly I would like to add my ever-growing list of gratitude
I am grateful for:

The love of my life Luz Maria and her undying support and encouragement through this transition period in my life.

My ability to free my mind of stress and anxiety because who needs it, it doesn't make things any better to dwell on them in a negative way.

The knowledge and skills I am learning through this amazing course, and especially you Dean thanks for being there for us and for providing with all of this amazing material right at our fingertips.

My health and the health of those around me who I love and care for so much.

Freedom to chase my American dream.

This very moment.

The ability to block out negativity around me.

All of the love around me each and every day.

"Ben" the ever so cheerful neighborhood dog who always seems to brighten up my day a little bit.




Congratulations on starting your journal. It sounds like your off to a fast start. Keep working and updating the plan and you will be amazed at your progress in the next few months. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA


I will be updating my Journal soon.

Journal Entry #2

Well it is the beginning of week #3 and man o man time has been flying by. You know what they say time flies when your having fun. I have been telling everyone about what I have been doing with my time, and I have created a bit of excitement in a few people. Especially my new buddy Brett Selzer who is especially excited to help in any way he possibly can. Its funny because Dean was just talking about teaching someone to help yourself the other day and now its happening. He and I will work very hard this week on building a buyers and sellers list.

Here is a quick update on what I have accomplished lately. I did get my 866# set up it is 866-420-6066 although I do still need to record my edited script and set up the ext. so I can see which flyers and or other advertisments work best.

I have still been watching a few FSBO's in the area and I have been watching the prices drop every week. I am sure that is a good sign for me.

I have been attending the local public trustee auctions every wednesday and I have even added a few of those names to my buyers list.

O yeah I finished to book and I have even gone back and reviewed a few of the chapters. What a great read I had so mush fun flipping through those pages and just expanding my knowledge.

I also designed and ordered my first set of business cards. I can't wait for them to show up at my front door.

Im sure there is something that I am forgetting but any how, my goals now are to make a bandit sign and place it in the local park to see if i get any more responses compared to the flyers I plan on putting up around town. I also want to get out at least 50 business cards in the next couple weeks and build my buyers list. My buyers list will be full of detailed information that my buyers will provide me with.

I am also working on making my website very local and findable as well as a touch of my own design.

Well thats all for now bring it on I say, lets do it.

He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride