DG Admin...

DG Admin...

DG Admin, I want to order Dean's new book and all that comes with it. I called the # on his infomercial and it only spoke of the 2 before " Your Town Your real Estate Profits". I want all 3. I will be paying my order with a debit card (Visa) so I need to know how much to put on my card. Thank you in advance.
PS. Could you send the info by PM? Thanks again.


Buyers list Video

When I click on the video I get server not found Im not sure if it is my PC. or not if any one has a sugestion of somthing I can do to fix this I would verey gratefule Thank you verey mutch. Vic



Server not found

I was in the middle of placing the order when the DG site went down. I called customer service with the problem. Call 1-866-493-0256. I'm sure they will help you.

Thank you...

Thank you for the # REvans. I'll call right now.