My Journal in Texas

My Journal in Texas

Well, its official. I made two offers yesterday on some pretty run down properties so I am going to get my journal and story started. I have to say that Rina is my inspiration in doing the journal and I can clearly see the advantages of participating in this and seeing others. Here is a quick rundown of what is going on.

-I dont have Dean's books yet. I started this idea a few weeks ago when the job hunt just was not panning out. Quite frankly, I'm not even excited to have another 75-100K job again that someone can decide that I will be unemployed, again, in 24 months or so. So I want to take matters into my own hands. Strangely enough I wake up in the middle of the night a few days ago and Dean is on TV. I have his books coming even though I had already started the process.

-I have family investors that are going to be very helpful in the beginning. The two properties I made offers on I already have a formulated plan to get in and out of them in 2-3 months. If I can get them I might keep one and make it a rental property. Both are at least 40% behind FMV and comps AFTER I FIX THEM! I think it is fair to mention that I have over twenty years of construction industry management and hands on experience. This includes many years where I was solely responsible for upwards of 7 million annually, so fixing these is like old hat to me. I'm excited!!

-What I have done already: My fiance and myself live in a house we snatched up in foreclosure about 7 years ago. It was trashed to some degree. Over the years here is a small sampling of what I've done:

-Total Kitchen remodel including stone backsplashes, granite countertops (yes I did this myself in the backyard with remnants I picked up from a dealer I know. Total cost $625.00!), stone flooring, re-faced cabinets, new sink and fixtures, all new SS appliances.

-Wood flooring throughout all main areas of the house. Living, dining, Den, halls and M.Bed. Glue down, not cheappie laminate.

-Carpeted all beds.

-New baseboard throughout and all new paint in and out.

-Total gut and re-do of both baths. All flooring and surrounds new stone and new vanities with stone tops.

Anyway you get the idea. Whole house redo. Oh yea, a great deck out back.

Anyway, I did all of this myself. No help at all except my fiance which I tease with her that she is really my hinder more than helper when it comes to fixers! Smiling

We sit in a 76K equity position right here in this house. As soon as I get two or three properties done we are moving and this house will be a quick turn.

Well I will stop there for now. I look forward to this journey and staying in touch with all of you and I wish everyone here all the success in the world!

Also, 2-4 properties this year is probably not near enough work for me. I'm a worker bee! But I've got partners and they will be conservative and cautious for a little bit. In a couple of years I will probably have free reign. Having said that, I know there are plenty of you heavy hitters out there that like to work with others. If we can help each other anywhere in central Tx., let me know. I'm always happy to team up with good folks if it makes sense for us both.

Austin, Tx.

P.S. By the way, I hit the job hunt so hard I still have an interview tomorrow morning for a pretty high power position. It will be a pretty lopsided interview!!! Knowledge is king however. I'm going just to keep myself in the loop and hear what they have to say. Frankly , they can pound rocks!


When one sets out to take Rome, TAKE ROME!

Greatness courts failure.

What a journey so far

I just wanted to keep up to date with myself about what has happened in the last few weeks/months.

As I awoke this morning, in a really good mood, I took stock of where I am and where I'm going. I have a job that I created, working for a company I created, and I am in business with my favoritest person on this planet! I get paid every Friday and the bills are paid and life is pretty darn good.

Anyone, and I mean anyone, can do some variation of this. My path is a little different because it requires credit and money to do. These things are covered in Dean's infommercial and books. He also talks about ways to do it without these.

The only thing holding any of us back is ourselves and the naysayers we allow ourselves to be surrounded by.

Good luck to all and wake up every morning counting your blessings. A positive attitude is worth all the money in the world. Remember this if you forget everything else. This is not a trial run or practice opportunity. We get one shot at this life and it is finite. Make the most of every single second of every minute of every day.



When one sets out to take Rome, TAKE ROME!

Greatness courts failure.

Nice job!


I just read all of your posts in two threads and am really inspired. The way you're going on here, you should already have your icons for having made deals, and for posting "special contribution" (at least). What's up, DG staff? Smiling

What's been happening lately? Fill us in if you have a minute! Smiling


"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy

"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3

"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

View my journal here:

You are so motivating!

I've been reading your journal and you move at lightning speed! I'm a 26 year old Austinite that has dreamed about getting into the real estate business since I was 19 year old, and have spent a small fortune on real estate courses that were a total let down. When I found Deans book, and later this amazing website of his, it all seems so real and close now. I want to get into investing with all my being, and start making a better future for myself. And now after reading your journal I'm only that much more motivated!

I come from a construction family myself, and I also have an art and design background so I hope to incorporate all this into my investing career. The long term goal after generating some capital through assignment deals would be to buy up distressed homes in the UT area, use my design skills to work a modern feel and hot desirable features into these properties and hold for rentals in the lively student rental market around the university.

Have a blessed day!

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