Chris's journal. "A Fresh Start."

Chris's journal. "A Fresh Start."

I purchased Deans Books a while ago. Over a year ago. I read through most of one and due to time, lack of motivation and honestly too many succes stories I became less interested. Most of the book could have been cutout for me and the cut and dry "this is what you need to do and this is how you do it" would have been perfect. It was great seeing success. But so much...every other page...Enough is enough let me know what to do! Then i get called out on a last the better part of 2 months, Im offshore, workign 105+ hours a week...making great money and forget all about the books. Well as time goes by i continue to get email from dean and occasionally browse the site. Hey people are still following and a few people are acually moving forward. Im thinking, "what are the odds that someone could be me?" Odds are, not likly because im not doing anything about it. Im not moving forward. I havent completed reading his books (im a horrible reader) im not making any effort. Im just plain not trying. Im catching some disconcern from my wife. She is hesitant about the whole thing and has no real interest in realestate. Im feeling like I bought a couple of place holders on a bookshelf. Sigh. WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING?

So with that said... Here is me now. Its more than a year later. I have been following Deans videos and browsing his site. Its moving along. People are still making money. I have still made none(All My Fault). But, BUT!
I have new motivation. Why? Who knows?! Just do. Simple. Nothing has happened, Still have my job, nothign crazy has happened. Nothing. Not a single thing. But Im interested again and going to do something about it.

I have always known in my mind that realestate is a smart thing to do if done right. So... I am going to DO something. Anything to make some headway. So yesterday I listened to Deans Conference call eager as ever and expecting the world! Well honestly I was a little dissapointed, Maybe I expected too much. Maybe what I expected was some actual HOW-TO information. Well thats exactly what I expected and was sorely dissapointed. Instead what i got was "Buy Deans new program!". Only $$$$ Dollars! Really?!?! Here I am with a pencil and paper and he gives me a weblink to buy stuff...Sigh. My wife is not excited either. She sat there with me waiting for the "GOOD" part to start. Kinda wish I had that last hour of my life back. I could have listened to the video on the site like everyone else.

So here I am...1:32am on thursday morning writing this Entry into my new Journal. Well, Like all good information, Its not Free. So, Im about to go and buy Deans new system assuming it is still available. I am going to continue updating this journal untill I am fed up with it or I get so wrapped up in making money that I forget about it. Either way, I will make every effort to be productive in this "Fresh Start"

So that is about as real as it gets. Im a lazy $*%^ that is finally taking contoll of his life.

This is My Future. Im taking controll.

So follow along. This will either go down in flames, Or be a huge success. Either way? It's going to be an interesting ride with some potentially interesting dialogue. So follow along and lets see where this goes.

"Only Applied knowledge is power"
"A job aint nothing but work"


It ain't going to find its self!

Entry #2

I tried purchasing Deans new Edge Program tonight. Every time I entered in the information it had some error and would not load the web page. Sign from God not to spend the money? That might work it I were the religious type and superstitious. I’ll be calling in the morning to order over the phone if I have too. I’m getting this damn thing. On another note I have talked with my wife and she is willing to try it with me and we will be partners doing it. Well both give it a shot. She’s supportive and has no job herself now after quitting her job in child care. So she has plenty of time. She was thinking about getting another job but after we figured in how much it was going to be for before and after school care for our 6 year old son we decided to give the program a shot. She is going to college and he is going to school. She wanted to get a job and go to school and be home in time to be with our son. I am on call 24/7 so she is pretty much a single mom. She has to do everything. Sometimes I am gone for weeks or even months without seeing the house. So this is the schedule were working around. So, her “Job” and “college” has to be between the hours of about 7:30 am and 3:30 pm. Well. Knowing how most jobs are that is not going to work with most employers. Especially paying child care! She would make crap wages like most college people and only work half the day and go to college the other half. Well as most of you parents would know. Child care is Effin expensive. So she would basically be working to pay child care. All that added stress to keep a job to pay child care to get an education is not needed. So we decided to get the program. Either way…were out the same amount of money over the next 6 months if not more by her working a part time job and having to pay child care. For us there charging 88$ a week. That’s over 350$ a month. And here she would be lucky if she got a part time job at 8$ an hour. That’s only 640$ a month. Then minus child care. Gas to and from for the week. Taxes and all that stuff…Add in the stress of all this plus her school. This doesn’t really make sense not to stay home and try this program. Really give it a good effort. Be able to be there with our son and have more time for her college if needed. So we are going for it. I’m calling in the morning! Get that program here ASAP!


It ain't going to find its self!

Entry #3 Life, In motion

OMG. Where to begin. Today I wake up at the crack of NOON and laying there in bed I feel exhausted. There is no way its later than 8:30. Im too tired to have sleept this late. I roll my a$$ out of bed and stand there looking down at the clock, not off to a very good start at all. So, well...Lets get things started even if a bit late. So I call to get some more information on Deans new program and find out my efforts of last night are worthless due to the fact the orderign website was down. Ok Great...Ill jsut try again here over the phone! So I talk to the lady there on the phone and mention the academy and want to get some information on it. Well as luck would have it she is able to transfer me over to the right people and I am yet again taling to more people. I had no idea this was an interview process and not just anyone could be in it. So I talk a while with the man on the phone. Terry was his name. We go through all the steps in getting started and he tells me I need to have my wife involved as well so I get her on the phone about an hour later. Well here we are both sitting here on the phone talking to Terry and learning about what is to come an having our questions answered as needed. This success academy really sounds like a great oppurtunity. So Hell why not? Its just money! I will make more of it, I cant take it with me when I die but damn it will make things a little more comfortable till it gets here LOL! So me and my wife have jumped off and accepted his offer and next comes paying the dues! OMG here I am scrambling for a freakin credit card to make this payment and there is not one in sight! So i finally find one and as luck would have it the only on with an available balance that hight is expired! hahaha when it rains it pours. So i get on the phone with the credit card company and ultimately they have to send me one in the mail. I am offered a chance to put 500$ down on another one to hold my spot untill i get the new card to hold the remaining balance. So now thats all done and here i am. Excited, $8k invested and waiting on a call monday afternoon with the Coach. Oh and I just got the new DG book in the mail a few minuets ago. Well, Im not going to get there if I dont make any effort to go there. So im off. I already have some homework to do and its only day 1!


It ain't going to find its self!


Your story sounds like mine when I started off, except I payed 20k. I got the on site mentor. Everyone thought I had gone off the deep end. But not no more. Make sure you use the hot line it will payoff, Wish you the best of luck.



Entry #4 A minor Bump in the Road.

So to my dissapointment yesterday it wasn’t the book I ordered of DG that came in yesterday. It was some sales catalogue from Nothern Tool. Sigh, So I browsed some sites online and listened to a few more teleconferences from over a year ago wondering if ther still usefull today. A lot of things are tactics of yester-year that may or maynot work so well now. The site I was on hasn’t been updated since 2008. And there it is with Deans face right on the top of it. “Official website of Dean Graziosi” Not really what I expected to see as the first thing from the coaches lol. So I got off there and played some World of warcraft, That game is like crack. Finally hit lvl 80 (ya me!) haha. If I have anywhere near the same amount of drive in realestate as I did for this game a few years ago I deffinantly see a bright future. Ive deffinantly slowed down on gaming for real life. But anyway, I have picked up some more papers and adds from a few places here in town to look at and see whats in them tadoay while I was out. My wife is looking as well, Ive got her listening to some of the teleconferences as well. I do have a few questions already ill be asking soon so that is good. Not a whole lot for today. Ill be responding to the emails I have received from the SA and moving on from there. Sigh I just found out I am going to be leaving now for probibly a couple weeks for work. YAY im off to a great start with the SA lol Ill have to change my conference hours for some evening time as ill be doing them from a hotel room for the next two weeks. Well Im off to complete some paperwork! I think i have adult ADD.


It ain't going to find its self!

On site!

randy428 wrote:
Your story sounds like mine when I started off, except I payed 20k. I got the on site mentor. Everyone thought I had gone off the deep end. But not no more. Make sure you use the hot line it will payoff, Wish you the best of luck.


Oh cool I didn't know they even had an onsite mentor! That is great! I will most definantly use the hotline as much as I can as well. Yeah, i know alot of people will think im crazy for going and doing this as well. I have decided to tell no one and let them find out for themselves. Just one day be like oh hey look im on tv. That really drives me when people tall me i cant. for some reason i jsut have to prove them wrong. I've done that with everything so far haha.


It ain't going to find its self!

Entry #5 Class is in session

Ok so not alot has happened in the lst couple days. As luck would have it, Instead of going out on a job like I thought I was, I ended up getting put in a water survival and firefighting class all week. So I pretty much sat around not doing a whole lot but playing WoW (World of Warcraft)expecting to get a call to leave ASAP to go work on a Drilling Rig. So there I was...3:30 am heading to bed on monday after staying up most of the night gaming and browsing the web. Here I am thinking I am going to take a nap, wake up at 7am and get ready and take my son to his first day of school in first grade with my wife when 7:12 rolls around and my boss calls me. OMFG NO WAY! LOL I cringe when I see the call and my heart sinks. nap for me when I get back...Well Even better, I answer the phone and the first thing he says is.
Boss: Hey, where do you live at?
Me: Off of This street and that street.
Boss: Ok good your on the north side of town.
Boss: Have you had (he rambles off some acronym I dont understand and Water survival class.)
Me: Not in the last year or so.
Boss: Well do you think you can make it to (somewhere) in 48 minuets?
Me: I have no idea where that even is so I cant say for sure.
Boss: Ok ill get you the address. Your replacing another service tech.

So there I am standing in the door way to the bathroom not really sure what i just got volenteered for thining...48 minuets to who knows where...and im still here in my underwear. Sigh...Well time to head on down the road then. so i get dressed and head out and try calling him only to get no answer back but voicemail. Im already late and still have no directions other than some basic crossroad. No building numbers or what its called or contact number. LOL so i have to break out my laptop and check my email. Luckily he had JUST sent me the address in my email like 1 minuet after i accessed it while tryign to call him again. And i wansnt fat away only about 4 miles from the building. So i get there and im 1.5 hours late...great start. Its a water survival and firefighting class...all hands on..dunk tank...Real Flames...the works...Theres no way im ready for this after 3 hours of ****y sleep lol. Luckily for me the water course wasnt untill Today the 24 and the fire fighiting isnt untill thursday.

Oh i got all set up completely in deans academy and have started my lessons now. Its nice to have an explination like this how its done there so far. I got some reading to do as well since i got deans new book in the mail today too. Im really excited to get things going but know i really need some sleep. Just wanted to put an entry in my journal here to mark some progress. Going to kick start my academy schooling tomorrow!


It ain't going to find its self!

Entry #6

Good Moring! The weekend is over, Im still sitting at home, and the Success Academy is slowly coming along. Been working on my Action items as I go even thought they are a bit unorganised there. I even called the Help line and they said to keep going although it was a bit out of order on some of it. It will come together as I keep making progress. So right now I am in the process of making my own business, Creating the name and coming up with the direction I want it to go. Sounds simple enough at first though but well it is not. I have come up with a ton of names...and have to get them checked now by the state for availability. Ok thats easy, but i still have to talk to a CPA about what exact company type i am starting and i have called one yet. Shouldnt be to hard though. So those are my plans for today and a little more completion of the success academy courses. Been almost a week now since i started and moving along kinda slow. Still got direction so here i go.


It ain't going to find its self!

Entry #7

So things are going pretty well so far. I have been slacking due to my Job and the holidays. I kicked it into gear though and got my 1-800 number up and running now. I have adds on Craig's list and on some free sites online. Its pretty cool, I actually got an easy to remember number I think for only 2$ a month using Kall8. 1-877-886-TEAM. I don't have my voice mailbox set up quite right yet. I'm still trying to figure that out. I got a few ideas for flyers i'm going to put out asap. Nothing too fancy. I'm going to put in the paperwork for my business name tomorrow if all goes well. i am already fighting for a certain name since the first two words are the same as another company, meaning i have to get written consent to use it in my business name from the business that has had it the longest. Feeling pretty motivated about everything all over again. Listened to some more great videos. moving along again.

Just found out my mom was put into a chemically indused coma today so she could go through surgery for her intestines and stomach and some other stuff...not sure how all that is going to pan out. I'm in a bit of shock right now i dont really know how to act...Im sad, im not in a good position at the moment to have to pay for a funeral...we dont have a very good relationship as it is...I cant afford to have her put in a is what it is.


It ain't going to find its self!

Entry #8

So I am back in Houston now with my wife and son after visiting my Mom in the Hospital. She is doing better but not good. Eventually she will be released form the hospital and I will be taking care of her for a while. I have a Real Mess on my hands right now. So here is what is going on for those who may actually read this Journal. My Mom went to the hospital for sever stomach pain, and ended up going to CCU and ICU for the last week and is Still there. She had to have most of her intestines removed due to diverticulitis infection. She is a sever smoker and was actually on a breathing machine for around 5 days. Meaning....she wasn't strong enough to breath on her own and a machine was doing it for her....Life support. So now I am faced with her living conditions which are below liveable. Her house is in need of serious renovations to even bring it up to code and not be condemd. Im a bit behind in my progress in the success academy but still making progress. I got my 1-800 number for people to call, Ive been talking to realestate agents, Finding deals, but my buyers list is a bit small well...i have none to be exact. Still gotta put out adds and stuff and get my company started. Sigh. Still positive. Still motivated!.


It ain't going to find its self!


I read your journal...Sorry to hear about your Mom, dealing with aging parents is hard. Your determination to succeed will get you through.
Best of luck.



Cathy B

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