For some time now I have been reading real estate investing books, borrowed money that I didnt have for an expensive program not knowing that I had to pay another $15,000 for a mentoring program for only 1 strategy.
Here is a little backround on myself. I live in Hawaii, born n raised. There is not one person in my family that is wealthy. Always renting n struggling. I dont want that life for my family. Last year I had made $18,000 NET! thats after working over 1200 hours. When I hear that people are locking up deals n assigning them for $10k its just amazing.
I am having trouble taking action. I know thats the answer, I dont know what it is though. Is it fear, is it uncertainty. I know that this is something that I need to and definately will overcome so that I too can do assignments and real fix n flips, while helping people.
Thats what its all about. Why not get paid generously by helping others. Im all for it!
I believe that real estate is an opportunity like no other
Posted on: Mon, 08/30/2010 - 21:57
I believe that real estate is an opportunity like no other
- by dgskysthelimit
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Glad to hear your going to take the leap into real estate. Fear is something everyone experiences you just have to take action and not let it paralyze you. What motivates me is I just think of what my life will be like if I don't do take action. Stressing over bills ? Taking orders from a boss who 9 times out of 10 Im going to dislike ? Not being able to enjoy the finer things in life... thats all the motivation I need. Good luck with everything.
No Grind No Shine
It is always so uncomfortable in taking action. Making the decision to just start is the first step. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the master of it. You are always going to feel some sort of fear in what ever you do. Remember, Fear is nothing but
Welcome to the DG family. We wish you all the best in your real estate investments.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
thanks alot, that makes freakishly great sense!
thanks for the encouragement!