Investing from the Herkhouse

Investing from the Herkhouse

So in the last two months I've read the books, You're Town, You're Real Estate Profits, Profit from Real Estate Right Now, and Be A Real Estate Millionaire. I've purchased the SFL System and even talked with a realtor over email. Although the SFL system seems to offer a lot of good information and organizational ability, I'm pretty organized with the current set of computer programs I use and I think I may be sending it back. Dean says that you can use his books and do just as well as anyone, so I may have to fall back to those. Justifying the expense of the SFL System is tough right now.

I listened to the instructional call from last Tuesday and I'm a little motivated now. I want to go build a buyers list. One thing I'm hesitant to do is ask a realtor to pull cash buyers from MLS. It just seems like I'm asking them to provide me information to compete with them. I can't imagine this will go over well. We'll see if I find a good reason to do so. Right now I think bandit signs and a website may be the initial method for building a property list and a buyers list.

I'm confident in Dean's philosophy that anyone can make money in real estate. I just keep wondering if Little Rock is going to measure up.



Sounds like you are coming along well.I plan on keeping the SFL System, it really is great, but I do see what you mean by the expense. But about the Cash Buyers, proir to getting the SFL system ,which of course brings your Cash Buyers right up automatically ,I had my agent pull them up for me, he had that pulled up by the next morning, I didnt real funny at all about it.I guess its because we had developed a good relationship and trust, so how ever it works for you.
Good luck, seems like you are Motivated.Take care

Curtis Fillers

PS.About Little Rock, you are down around Greg Murphy, Booneville,MS. seems like he is doing pretty well.

Watching the EDGE 10 DVD's

Man it looks like motivation is the key in all areas. The speakers in this program are awesome. The framework is certainly there, but like the speakers talk about finding motivated sellers, I think the special ingredient for the investor is motivation as well. I like what Matt Larson said, "If you approach this as a hobby, you'll have hobby results. If you approach it as a business, you'll have business results."

Many of these strategies resonate with me. It looks like all of them could seem feasible. Since there are so many options, the possibilities are there for income generation. I think what I just need to do is move on one and see if it will work out. The question is the whether to have a double exit strategy in case the deal doesn't work out. I know how I would like to work out, but my personality must plan on the worst case scenario.

The Success Academy is starting to look like a viable option, but I'm concerned about the time. I really have my doubts as to whether I will be a good candidate for the academy programs due to time constraints. I'm military with a booking to deploy in less than 3 months and I just don't know about having the time to apply to the program. Not only that, but I'm working on my MBA in Entrepreneurship, I'm in a formal training course, and I'm trying to turn my house into a rental business (Check it out at I'm working just about every minute I'm awake!

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