first things first, THANK YOU DEAN !!! i got my books about one month ago and participated in my first conference call last month also. i would like to say hello to the DG family!!! this will be a slow but steady journey! the last few years have been an extreme challenge for me. bought my first house in november,lost my job in december,lost most of my eyesight to diabetes,seperated from my wife because of all the stress. needless to say,its been tough. i'm in the process of a short sale/foreclosure that seems to be going nowhere,feels like everyone is dragging their feet.a little help and insight would be appreciated!!! so let the journey begin!!! ONE DAY AT A TIME. take care, dennis navaroli



Hey Dennis, sorry to hear about all of these things that are pritty much not really going your way. From the house, to the job and the foreclosure... but, everything happens for a reason. All these things can happen, but its what you do after the fact that makes you who you are...

Now it may seem a little incensitive and i really dont mean it to be, but we all have a choice. We can play the victim or become the victor. We need to bounce back and believe in ourselves and not let anything hold you down ...ever...

Exactly what you said, One Day At a Time... You will reach greatness, one day at a time... Trust, Believe, Take Action, and Prosper...

Have a great day Dennis.


i too am sorry to hear about the things that have happened, but i hope you see this all as opportunity. i love what dgskysthelimit said. it's all about our attitude and how we handle the things that life throws at us. i'm practicing saying "this is good" and looking for the good in situations. and yes, i need lots of practice on that. Smiling i know you can and will succeed.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:


I'm sorry that you're dealing with tough stuff now but I sincerely hope that
your life vastly improves and your R.E.Investing becomes a wonderful
achievement for you. Take one step at a time-as I am- and your efforts will
be rewarded. Good luck!

thank you everyone !!!

i will succeed!!! my family is 100% behind me in anythimg i do! no naysayers. i had my own lil' pitty party, and i know that it can only get better. slow and steady. take care

One day = TODAY

You said it and everyone else has commented on it....ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Why so important? Because that one day - TODAY - is all you/we have!

Think about it: "Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday."

And, "When that 24 hour period we call 'tomorrow' arrives it is TODAY!"

So, with that in mind, always remember that TODAY is all that is important and it is all that you have. Do all that you can do TODAY and rest easy tonight.

I heard Drew Breese of the Super Bowl Champion New Orleans Saints make a comment about the Super Bowl game against the Colts. He said that, during that game, he developed the mindset that EVERY play was the MOST IMPORTANT play of the game!

When I heard that I thought, "That's the way we need to if EVERYDAY was the MOST IMPORTANT day of our lives." And it is!

Make progress each day so that you are further down the road to your goals and dreams than you were before.



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman


thanks mike,slow and steady, i will get there !!!