Good Day all,
I have been around the real estate circuit now for many years and today am just like many of you starting out: broke! Even I don't have a home but I have something more, an undying spirit. Have the same stories as many of you, lots of courses, tried many things, invested in so-call mentors who took the money and ran. Phooey. Today I even have some infamous R.E. Guru's company charging me thousands of dollars on my credit report for a course they never even gave me. I challenged that and the credit reporting agencies claim that they have proof. Wow, what next?
Well, today is a new day. It was Cortez who ordered his ships burned in 1519 before leading his men to battle against the Aztecs in orders to take away their ability to retreat. And that's where I am, burning my ships that I too have no other choice but to fight for my very life without hesitation because there is no turning back. So the next step-figure out the strategy of how to win against the hidden enemy.
I am going to try devouring the lessons from Dean's video blog. I don't any reason to fear except for fear itself which in this case comes from lack of knowledge. So one day at a time, one step at a time. Keeping a daily commitment journal and planning out the week. Staying consistent in my goals that I may be successful. The most important thing though is having accountability and support. Anyone willing to join me?
You sound like you really need to network with live people? I would suggest getting involved with your local REI group... they are real people doing what you are trying to learn to do and they will help you for free...even if you just start off being a property locator for someone...Books are great, this website has tons of information on it, but you really need to take some sort of action...make a plan, small steps, it's easier than you think...another suggestion is to read Deans book Totally Fulfilled! You need to get the right mindset! You are so close and don't really know it! Have Faith and take action and I am with on Burn the Boats!