Where are the Millennials Moving?

Where are the Millennials Moving?

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick article on MSN.COM I found that I wanted to share with you. The Millennials are moving, who are the Millennials you say, they are 25-34 yr. olds. They are bigger than the Baby Boomer generations that will affect our future. This article identifies growing markets so if you are investing in any of the places, then you need to step it up and find deal for your investors. As the market changes we need to keep our focus on growing markets as such and adjust our strategies with buyers so we can take advantage of the emerging markets.

The top 10 cities all the young people are flocking to
By: Bruce Katz, Jennifer Bradley off MSN.COM Dashboard

And they say we all just end up back at home with our parents. The movement patterns of America's youngest and most over-analyzed generation, the millennials, are the subject of an upcoming book, "The Metropolitan Revolution," by Bruce and Jennifer Bradley. Categorizing millennials as a generation on the move, willing to actually cross state lines (gasp) for job opportunities, they've used census data to track the top destinations. Forget New York City or San Francisco, "This generation is taking up in hubs like Houston and Denver, where industries like consulting and solar energy are flourishing," they write. Check out the top 10 cities where all the cool kids are going (2009-2011), below.

Metro Area Avg. Migration

25- to 34-year-olds

Washington, D.C. 10,337

Houston 10,306

Denver 9,457

Portland, Ore. 8,249

Austin, Texas 7,774

Dallas 6,714

Riverside, Calif. 6,229

Seattle 4,478

San Antonio 3,796

Charlotte, N.C. 2,835

Hope you enjoyed this short article and good luck with your investing.



Great infor

I am interested in several of those markets, so this is good information to keep in mind.


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