June 24, 2010
Madison Cigar Lounge
1825 Madison Ave
bet. 118th St & 119th St
Harlem, NY
Once again i'm having my increasingly popular cigar bar parties for real estate networking.
Real Estate agents, brokers, attorneys, developers, title companies, mortgage brokers, bankers and hard money lenders will all be in attendance. This is your chance to truly show you're in the game.
Complimentary food and liquor will be served at the venue.
Bring your business cards. Lots of card and even more hustle and enjoy the evening.
$10 admission for my DG family
Bring the Smokin Hot Deals Also. Have fun.
Harry F. D'Elia III
and enjoy the festivities
A nice Nicurauguran will be waiting for you, courtesy of myself.
I'm sure you can find some people who wouldn't mind investing in the warm weather Arizona provides