Young Guy looking to Get it started in Real Estate!

Young Guy looking to Get it started in Real Estate!

Hi Everyone,

Well I just ordered Deans Book a couple weeks after seeing his infomercial for the first time, after doing more research and of course waiting for my next paycheck to come. lol. I'm 21 years old, live at home with my parents and I am just in a situation where I feel like I am not getting anywhere in life. I'm surrounded by people who are making moves and going to college and when we go to visit family, they ask so what are you doing with your life... It's the topic I always dread, its almost embarassing. I do work, I pay for all my expenses, car, phone, insurance, food, etc, but time doesnt stop for anybody, and I make just enough to pay waht needs to be paid. I have been so inspired by what i have seen here, and from what I hear from Dean. I really feel like this is an opportunity I can take advantage of. I feel since I am younger the intimidation factor on my end seems a little greater, but I am determined to get passed that fear. I'm not looking for a get rich quick scheme, or a sit at home and do nothing but make millions kind of thing... I really am willing to learn and work hard. I'm 21 years guy, who wants to look back and be proud of my accomplishments, one day support a family with financial freedom, the american dream. I'm very willing to put in the work ethic to make a system like this work. Maybe this is my calling, I want to do something that I love. Not just a good enough job to get by. I look forward to soon being able to share my Real Estate experiences with everyone. Take Care Smiling


investor looking for agent

hi im also new to real estate meaning i havent closed any deals yet but im familiar with deans techniques specially wholesaling at this time im looking for a real estate agent in dallas/forth wort area im looking for an agent whos familiar with deans techniques im looking for a high energy opend minded agent who is willing to make alot n low offers if this agent decribes you then pm me asap highly motivated investor thank you good look to all the young guys here best of luck

Being a newbie!!!

Hi Jesse, I'm much older and just lost my job in January of 2010. Please read Dean's books over an over again be a sponge. Stay in the forums and ask questions about everything. These people will help you in every way they can with no problem. Always spend to learn more and most of all have FAITH IN GOD!!!!!!you will be a great success....


I did not know there were so many others that are my age getting into real estate investing! It is very exciting... I thought the same thing at first and that kinda held me back at first, but now nothing or no one can stop me! I think sometimes we judge ourselves more than others... I see it like this, I just want to help people that want to be helped! Age, color, shape nor height matters when you are providing someone a solution to their problems.


Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core that you can't get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills when you set a goal, you're not setting big enough goals." (BO Sundberg)

Vicky Diaz