She is the one who rocks us to sleep when we are babies

She makes us feel better when we are sick

She is the one that mends are bruises and scrapes

She drives us to and from everywhere,football,baseball,basketball,cheer leading,scouting,even band practice.

She cooks and cleans the house even if she has worked all day herself.

She is the anchor in the family

She is always the first to go without when money is tight.

She is always the proudest when we have good grades or a new achievement.

She is the voice of reason when the whole world is upside down.

She always has are back even if she thinks were wrong.

Her love is ever lasting no matter what.

She gets truly happy from a phone call or even a card from us.

As we get older and seem to need her guidance less and less,far to often she gets over looked or not asked for advice in are decisions. But she never lets on that it bothers her when it really makes her feel unneeded.

It's not until she's no longer with us that we realize how much she has meant over the years.

As important as Mothers are it's amazing that we only set aside one day a year to honor them.

That's who Mother is So Happy Mothers Day to all you moms and God bless you all.

That is Beautiful!


your post is really beautiful! Everything you said is so true!
I feel very special to be a mother, and yes, every day I am needed less and less, but it only makes me a prouder mom.

thank you very much for your thoughts and kind words,

your friend,




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