Hello Everyone,

Yes, that's right hedge funds for deals. As many of you all know by now the market conditions are changing. Deals are getting harder to come by and we are being out bid by speculative buyers. Banks, and Fannie and Freddie are selling in bulk to these hedge funds that are buying up our inventory. So what’s the answer? I believe the answer is working smarter, look to other ways to find the deals such as working with Hedge Funds. A hedge fund is a large company that manages profits for its shareholders, they typically are into many businesses and real estate is in the portfolios of many of these hedge funds. So this means we need to contact hedge funds and find out how we can get access to their inventory that they are willing to sell. The easiest way to find a list of hedge funds is just to do a Google search and type in “hedge funds” or “real estate hedge funds” and go to their sites and find out who you need to call to get a list of their inventory. Banks, and Fannie and Freddie are selling in bulk to these hedge funds that are buying up our inventory. . With so many inventories going to them we must make it an aspect of or marketing that we try to find some hedge funds to work with. Another great place to find hedge funds or hedge fund managers is on linked in. Go to www.linkedin.com setup a free investor account and find groups pertaining to hedge funds, hedge fund managers and asset managers, get in there and advertise that you need deals for you and your partners. Keep the control in your court, these guys don’t want to hear you have buyers, just FYI.

Hope this helps and good luck with your business.

