Bonuses and Bailouts

Bonuses and Bailouts

November 13th 2011 Fannie Mae Bailout Again? Bonuses For Executives!

I don't know about you, but this is so irritating to see families that work hard loose their homes while Companies and now the Government sponsored Enterprises of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ask for more bailouts while still giving their executives outrageous bonuses. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are corporations that are backed by the U.S government to expand the secondary mortgage market by securitizing mortgages in the form of mortgage-backed securities. Frannie Mae now says it needs another bailout from the taxpayers, and yet they keep losing money, but are justifying obscene bonuses. What's even more surprising is that everyone seems to be quite on the matter. Read more about this at the link below.

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uh... this is how America operates.

The banks and financial institutions have always had a pretty good time of it in America.

Certainly great reading to study how things went for home owners in past years in our country. Try reading about home ownership in the 1800's and how that worked out for the working person.

Our country has always been based on the ones with the gold make the rules. 'The Golden Rule'

May not be how everyone would like it to be, but this is the land of opportunity. We all can rise and achieve what we would like to work for.

I did not like growing up in poverty. My family was happy in poverty for generations and generations.

I could have settled for lack, loss and despair, or do something about it.

I rose above poverty in my lifetime.

I stay focused on today and what I can do for me and my family.

Happy Investing!


Think Less ~ Do More
Take Action = Results!

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Agree Brad

It is too bad that this is how it is, and you are right this should make us angry enough to rise above our situations and grab a piece of the pie!

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